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Direct access: 走行 , 相克 , 早婚 , 相互 , 総合 , 操作 , 捜査 , 総裁 , 捜索 , 創作


pronunciation: soukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: drive (n.)
走行する: soukousuru: drive (v.), go (by vehicle)
走行距離: soukoukyori: distance traveled (by a car) <<< 距離
走行距離計: soukoukyorikei: odometer <<<
走行距離メーター: soukoukyorimeetaa <<< メーター
related words: ドライブ


pronunciation: soukoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: conflict (n.), discord
相克する: soukokusuru: conflict with, be in discord with
synonyms: 矛盾 , 対立


pronunciation: soukon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: early marriage
早婚する: soukonsuru: marry young [early]
related words: 結婚


pronunciation: sougo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: reciprocity
相互の: sougono: mutual, reciprocal
相互に: sougoni: mutually, each other, one another
相互に助け合う: sougonitasukeau: help each other
相互に作用する: sougonisayousuru: interact <<< 作用
相互関係: sougokankei: mutual [reciprocal] relation <<< 関係
相互依存.: sougoizon: linkage, interlocking, entanglement, interlacing, interpenetration
相互銀行: sougoginkou: mutual (financing) bank <<< 銀行
相互組合: sougokumiai: cooperative society <<< 組合
相互作用: sougosayou: reciprocal action, interaction <<< 作用
相互接続: sougosetsuzoku: interconnection <<< 接続
相互扶助: sougohujo: mutual aid
相互保険: sougohoken: mutual insurance <<< 保険
synonyms: 交互


pronunciation: sougou
kanji characters: ,
translation: synthesis
総合する: sougousuru: put together, coordinate, synthesize
総合的: sougouteki: synthetic, composite, all-around, overall <<<
総合経済: sougoukeizai: macroeconomy, overall economy <<< 経済
総合計画: sougoukeikaku: comprehensive program <<< 計画
総合芸術: sougougeijutsu: composite art <<< 芸術
総合雑誌: sougouzasshi: all-round magazine <<< 雑誌
総合成績: sougouseiseki: overall result <<< 成績
総合病院: sougoubyouin: general hospital <<< 病院


pronunciation: sousa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry , technology
translation: manipulation, operation
操作する: sousasuru: manipulate, operate
自動操作: jidousousa: automatic operation <<< 自動


pronunciation: sousa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: criminal investigation
捜査する: sousasuru: investigate (a case), search
捜査係: sousagakari: police detective <<<
捜査課: sousaka: criminal investigation section <<<
捜査網: sousamou: dragnet investigation <<<
捜査線: sousasen: network of police search <<<
捜査本部: sousahonbu: investigation headquarters <<< 本部
捜査主任: sousashunin: chief investigator <<< 主任
犯罪捜査: hanzaisousa: criminal investigation <<< 犯罪
強制捜査: kyouseisousa: compulsory investigation, forcible search <<< 強制
related words: 捜索


pronunciation: sousai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , job
translation: president (of a big organization), governor
副総裁: hukusousai: vice-president <<<


pronunciation: sousaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: search (n.), investigation
捜索する: sousakusuru: search (v.), investigate, hunt
捜索隊: sousakutai: search party <<<
捜索権: sousakuken: right of search <<<
捜索願: sousakunegai: demand for the search of a missing person <<<
捜索令状: sousakureijou: search warrant
家宅捜索: katakusousa: domiciliary visit <<< 家宅
家宅捜索する: katakusousasuru: search a house <<< 家宅
related words: 捜査


pronunciation: sousaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: creation, original work, novel, story
創作する: sousakusuru: create, invent, write a novel [story]
創作的: sousakuteki: constructive, creative, imaginative <<<
創作家: sousakuka: writer, author, novelist <<<
創作力: sousakuryoku: creative power [talent], originality <<<
創作意欲: sousakuiyoku: creative will <<< 意欲
related words: 小説

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