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Direct access: 鮟鱇 , 暗黒 , 暗号 , 暗殺 , 暗算 , 暗唱 , 暗証 , 安心 , 暗示 , 安住


pronunciation: ankou
other spells: アンコウ
keyword: fish
translation: anglerfish, monkfish


pronunciation: ankoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: darkness, gloom
暗黒の: ankokuno: dark, pitch-dark, black
暗黒街: ankokugai: underworld <<<
暗黒色: ankokushoku: pitch-dark color <<<
暗黒面: ankokumen: dark [seamy] side <<<
暗黒時代: ankokujidai: dark ages <<< 時代
暗黒大陸: ankokutairiku: Black Continent <<< 大陸 , アフリカ


pronunciation: angou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: cipher, code, cryptograph, cryptogram
暗号で書く: angoudekaku: write in cipher <<<
暗号を使う: angouotsukau <<< 使
暗号を解く: angouotoku: decipher, decode <<<
暗号を解読する: angouokaidokusuru <<< 解読
暗号機: angouki: cipher machine <<<
暗号文: angoubun: ciphered message [text] <<<
暗号電報: angoudenpou: ciphered cable [telegram] <<< 電報
暗号通貨: angoutsuuka: cryptocurrency <<< 通貨
シーザー暗号: shiizaaangou: Caesar cipher <<< シーザー
related words: 合図


pronunciation: ansatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: assassination
暗殺する: ansatsusuru: assassinate
暗殺を企てる: ansatsuokuwadateru: make an attempt on a person's life <<<
暗殺を謀る: ansatsuohakaru <<<
暗殺者: ansatsusha: assassin <<<
related words: 刺客


pronunciation: anzan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: mental arithmetic
暗算する: anzansuru: calculate mentally, do the sum in one's head


pronunciation: anshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: recitation
暗唱する: anshousuru: recite, repeat from memory, say by rote


pronunciation: anshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer
translation: (personal) identification
暗証する: anshousuru: identify oneself
暗証番号: anshoubangou: personal identification number, PIN, code number <<< 番号


pronunciation: anshin
kanji characters: ,
translation: relief, ease, rest, peace of mind, confidence
安心する: anshinsuru: feel easy, feel confident, be assured
安心させる: anshinsaseru: set at ease, relieve from anxiety
安心して: anshinshite: free from care, without anxiety, with confidence
安心して死ぬ: anshinshiteshinu: die in peace <<<
安心立命: anshinritsumei: peace of mind, spiritual peace, calm resignation
related words: 安堵 , 信頼 , 安全


pronunciation: anji
kanji characters: ,
translation: hint (n.), suggestion, allusion
暗示する: anjisuru: hint (v.), suggest, give a hint [clue]
暗示を与える: anjioataeru <<<
暗示的な: anjitekina: suggestive, full of suggestions, allusive <<<
暗示に富む: anjinitomu <<<
related words: 示唆


pronunciation: anjuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: peaceful life, settlement
安住する: anjuusuru: live peacefully, settle

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