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Direct access: 鏡餅 , 香川 , 火器 , 火気 , 下記 , 夏期 , 夏季 , 牡蠣 , 書入れ , 欠氷


pronunciation: kagamimochi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: decoration , japan
translation: kagamimochi, mirror mochi, mirror mochi cake
related words: , 新年


pronunciation: kagawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Kagawa
香川県: kagawaken: Prefecture of Kagawa <<<
香川真司: kagawashinji: Shinji Kagawa (a Japanese soccer player)
related words:


pronunciation: kaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: firearms
重火器: juukaki: heavy firearms <<<


pronunciation: kaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: fire
火気厳禁: kakigenkin: The lighting of fires is prohibited


pronunciation: kaki
kanji characters: ,
translation: below mentioned sentence
下記の: kakino: mentioned below
下記の通り: kakinotoori: as follows <<<
下記の如く: kakinogotoku <<<


pronunciation: kaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , school
translation: summer period
夏期の: kakino: summer (a.), summery
夏期時間: kakijikan: daylight saving time, summer time <<< 時間
夏期学校: kakigakkou: summer school <<< 学校
夏期講習: kakikoushuu: summer lecture class [course] <<< 講習
夏期講座: kakikouza <<< 講座
夏期休暇: kakikyuuka: summer vacation [holidays] <<< 休暇
synonyms: 夏季
antonyms: 冬期


pronunciation: kaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , sport
translation: summer season
夏季オリンピック: kakiorinpikku: Summer Olympics <<< オリンピック
synonyms: 夏期
antonyms: 冬季


pronunciation: kaki
kanji characters:
other spells: 牡蛎, カキ
keyword: mollusk
translation: oyster
牡蠣を剥く: kakiomuku: open an oyster <<<
牡蠣売り: kakiuri: oyster seller <<<
牡蠣養殖: kakiyoushoku: oyster culture [farming] <<< 養殖
牡蠣養殖場: kakiyoushokujou: oyster farm [bed] <<<
牡蠣養殖業者: kakiyoushokugyousha: oysterfarmer, oysterman <<< 業者
牡蠣フライ: kakihurai: fried oyster <<< フライ
養殖牡蠣: youshokukaki: cultivated oyster <<< 養殖
related words:


pronunciation: kakiire
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 書き入れ
keyword: business
translation: entry, (marginal) note
書入れる: kakiireru: write in, make an entry (into), fill out the blank, fill up [in] the form
書入れ時: kakiiredoki, <<<
書入れ日: kakiirebi <<<


pronunciation: kakigoori
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 欠き氷, かき氷
keyword: confectionery
translation: shaved ice
欠氷機: kakigooriki: ice shaving machine <<<

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