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Direct access: 鋼鉄 , 香典 , 高等 , 口頭 , 荒唐無稽 , 高度 , 講堂 , 坑道 , 行動 , 購読


pronunciation: koutetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: steel (n.)
鋼鉄の: koutetsuno: steel (a.), of steel
鋼鉄艦: koutetsukan: steel-clad warship <<<
鋼鉄車: koutetsusha: steel car <<<
鋼鉄板: koutetsuban: steel-plate <<<
鋼鉄製品: koutetsuseihin: steel work <<< 製品
related words: 鉄鋼 , スチール


pronunciation: kouden
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: obituary gift
香典返し: koudengaeshi: return of obituary gift <<<


pronunciation: koutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school , law
translation: high (n.), height, high level
高等の: koutouno: high (a.), advanced
高等科: koutouka: advance course <<<
高等教育: koutoukyouiku: high education <<< 教育
高等学校: koutougakkou: (senior) high school <<< 学校
高等動物: koutoudoubutsu: higher animal <<< 動物
高等裁判所: koutousaibansho: high court <<< 裁判所
高等弁務官: koutoubenmukan: high commissioner


pronunciation: koutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: oral communication
口頭の: koutouno: oral, spoken, verbal
口頭で: koutoude: orally, verbally, by word of mouth
口頭弁論: koutoubenron: oral pleadings <<< 弁論
口頭契約: koutoukeiyaku: verbal contract <<< 契約
口頭試問: koutoushimon: oral examination
口頭試験: koutoushiken <<< 試験


pronunciation: koutoumukei
kanji characters: , , ,
translation: absurdity, nonsense
荒唐無稽の: koutoumukeino: absurd, wild, fantastic, nonsensical


pronunciation: koudo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: altitude, height
高度の: koudono: high, high-power, intense, strong, advanced
高度の文明: koudonobunmei: high level of civilization <<< 文明
高度計: koudokei: altimeter <<<
高度飛行: koudohikou: altitude flight <<< 飛行
高度記録: koudokiroku: altitude record <<< 記録
高度測量: koudosokuryou: altimetry, height measurement <<< 測量
高度成長: koudoseichou: high economic growth <<< 成長


pronunciation: koudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: lecture hall, auditorium


pronunciation: koudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry
translation: tunnel, gallery, drift, shaft, pit, trench
related words: トンネル , ギャラリー


pronunciation: koudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , politics
translation: action, behavior, conduct (n.), movement
行動する: koudousuru: act, behave, conduct (v.), move
行動を共にする: koudouotomonisuru: act in concert, co-operate <<<
行動に移す: koudouniutsusu: put into action <<<
行動隊: koudoutai: action corps <<<
行動半径: koudouhankei: action radius <<< 半径
行動科学: koudoukagaku: behavioral science <<< 科学
行動様式: koudouyoushiki: behavior pattern <<< 様式
行動主義: koudoushugi: behaviorism <<< 主義
求愛行動: kyuuaikoudou: courtship <<< 求愛
統一行動: touitsukoudou: united action [operation] <<< 統一
単独行動: tandokukoudou: independent action <<< 単独
冷静に行動: surureiseinikoudousuru: act [behave, comport, conduct] calmly <<< 冷静
直接行動: chokusetsukoudou: direct action <<< 直接


pronunciation: koudoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: subscription
購読する: koudokusuru: take in (a newspaper, a journal), subscribe (to a newspaper, to a journal)
購読料: koudokuryou: subscription fees <<<
購読者: koudokusha: subscriber, reader <<<

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