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Direct access: 交尾 , 交付 , 甲府 , 幸福 , 降伏 , 興奮 , 好物 , 鉱物 , 公平 , 神戸


pronunciation: koubi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: copulation, mating
交尾する: koubisuru: copulate, couple, mate
交尾期: koubiki: rutting [mating] season <<<
related words: 発情


pronunciation: kouhu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: delivery, grant (n.)
交付する: kouhusuru: deliver, grant (v.), issue
交付金: kouhukin: subsidy, grant <<<
交付者: kouhusha: deliverer <<<
無償交付: mushoukouhu: delivery without compensation <<< 無償


pronunciation: kouhu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Kofu (city)
甲府市: kouhushi: City of Kofu <<<
甲府城: kouhujou: Kofu Castle <<<
甲府盆地: kouhubonchi: Kofu valley [basin] <<< 盆地
related words: 山梨 ,


pronunciation: kouhuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: happiness
幸福な: kouhukuna: happy
幸福を祈る: kouhukuoinoru: wish a happiness <<<
related words: 幸運


pronunciation: kouhuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: surrender (n.), capitulation, submission
降伏する: kouhukusuru: surrender (v.), submit [yield, give in] (in), capitulate, lay down one's arms
降伏させる: kouhukusaseru: compel into submission, compel to submit [submission]
降伏旗: kouhukuki: flag of surrender, white flag <<<
降伏文書: kouhukubunsho: instrument of surrender <<< 文書
synonyms: 降参
related words: 白旗


pronunciation: kouhun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: psychology
translation: excitement, excitation, agitation
興奮して: kouhunshite: nervously, agitatedly, excitedly
興奮する: kouhunsuru: be excited [stimulated], become hot [warm]
興奮させる: kouhunsaseru: excite, stimulate
興奮し易い: kouhunshiyasui: excitable, easily excited, passionate, nervous <<<
興奮を静める: kouhunnojizumeru: calm down one's excitement <<<
興奮が静まる: kouhungashizumaru: calm [quiet] down, calm oneself
興奮剤: kouhunzai: stimulant, pep pill <<<
興奮状態: kouhunjoutai: excited state <<< 状態
synonyms: エクスタシー


pronunciation: koubutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: favorite dish [food], one's delight
大好物: daikoubutsu <<<
好物の: koubutsuno: favorite (food)
好物だ: koubutsuda: have a weakness for
related words: 大好き


pronunciation: koubutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geology
translation: mineral (n.)
鉱物の: koubutsuno: mineral (a.)
鉱物質: koubutsushitsu: mineral matter <<<
鉱物油: koubutsuyu: mineral oil <<<
鉱物学: koubutsugaku: mineralogy <<<
鉱物学者: koubutsugakusha: mineralogist <<< 学者
鉱物界: koubutsukai: mineral kingdom, world <<<
鉱物資源: koubutsushigen: mineral resources <<< 資源
synonyms: ミネラル


pronunciation: kouhei
kanji characters: ,
translation: fairness, impartiality, justice
公平な: kouheina: fair, just, impartial, unbiased
公平に: kouheini: impartially, fairly, justly, without partiality
公平無私な: kouheimushina: impartial and disinterested
不公平: hukouhei: unfairness, injustice, partiality <<<
不公平な: hukouheina: unfair, unjust, partial
synonyms: 公正


pronunciation: koube
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Kobe (city)
神戸市: koubeshi: City of Kobe <<<
神戸港: koubekou: Kobe Harbor <<<
神戸牛: koubegyuu, koubeushi: Kobe beef <<<
神戸空港: koubekuukou: Kobe Airport <<< 空港
related words:

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