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Direct access: 輸出 , 油性 , 輸送 , 油断 , 癒着 , 油田 , 輸入 , 指先 , 指輪 , 湯船


pronunciation: yushutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: export (n.), exportation
輸出する: yushutsusuru: export (v.)
輸出税: yushutsuzei: export duties <<<
輸出額: yushutsugaku: exports, amount of export <<<
輸出港: yushutsukou: export port <<<
輸出品: yushutsuhin: exports, exported goods <<<
輸出業: yushutsugyou: export business (trade) <<<
輸出商: yushutsushou: exporter, export trader <<<
輸出業者: yushutsugyousha <<< 業者
輸出割当: yushutsuwariate: export quota <<< 割当
輸出手形: yushutsutegata: export bill <<< 手形
プラント輸出: purantoyushutsu: export of facilities <<< プラント
related words: 輸入


pronunciation: yusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: oiliness, greasiness
油性の: yuseino: oily, greasy
油性塗料: yuseitoryou: oil paint <<< 塗料


pronunciation: yusou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: transport (n.), transportation, conveyance
輸送する: yusousuru: transport (v.), convey, carry
輸送中: yusouchuu: in transit, on the way <<<
輸送機: yusouki: transport plane, sky truck <<<
輸送船: yusousen: transport ship, troopship <<<
輸送量: yusouryou: volume of traffic <<<
輸送力: yusouryoku: transport capacity, carrying power <<<
輸送手段: yusoushudan: means of transport <<< 手段
輸送機関: yusoukikan <<< 機関
輸送船団: yusousendan: convoy <<< 船団
陸上輸送: rikujouyusou: overland transportation <<< 陸上
軍隊輸送: guntaiyusou: military transport <<< 軍隊
高速輸送: kousokuyusou: high-speed transport <<< 高速
鉄道輸送: tetsudouyusou: railway transportation <<< 鉄道
海上輸送: kaijouyusou: marine transportation <<< 海上
河川輸送: kasennyusou: river transport [transportation] <<< 河川
貨物輸送: kamotsuyusou: freight transport <<< 貨物
複合輸送: hukugouyusou: combined transportation <<< 複合
旅客輸送: ryokakuyusou: passenger transportation <<< 旅客
コンテナ輸送: kontenayusou: containerization <<< コンテナ
コンテナ輸送する: kontenayusousuru: containerize <<< コンテナ
トラック輸送: torakkuyusou: trucking <<< トラック
related words: 運輸 , 運送


pronunciation: yudan
kanji characters: ,
translation: inattention, carelessness, imprudence, unguarded moment, negligence
油断する: yudansuru: be off one's guard, be careless, be inattentive, be negligent (of)
油断させる: yudansaseru: throw a person off his guard
油断した: yudanshita: careless, inattentive, unguarded
油断の無い: yudannnonai: watchful, careful, cautious, attentive, alert, observant, vigilant, wary <<<
油断無く: yudannnaku: carefully, cautiously, attentively
油断に乗じる: yudannnijoujiru: take a person off his guard, take advantage of a person's unguarded moment <<<
油断大敵: yudantaiteki: Security is the greatest enemy <<< 大敵
油断禁物: yudankinmotsu <<< 禁物
antonyms: 注意


pronunciation: yuchaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: adhesion, conglutination
癒着する: yuchakusuru: adhere, knit, heal up
癒着剤: yuchakuzai: agglutinative substance, agglutinative <<<


pronunciation: yuden
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry
translation: oil field
油田地帯: yudenchitai: oilfield region <<< 地帯
海底油田: kaiteiyuden: submarine oil field <<< 海底


pronunciation: yunyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: import (n.), importation
輸入する: yunyuusuru: import (v.)
輸入品: yunyuuhin: imports, imported article <<<
輸入港: yunyuukou: import port <<<
輸入国: yunyuukoku: importing country <<<
輸入税: yunyuuzei: import duties <<<
輸入業: yunyuugyou: import business <<<
輸入商: yunyuushou: importer <<<
輸入業者: yunyuugyousha <<< 業者
輸入制限: yunyuuseigen: import restriction <<< 制限
輸入手形: yushutsutegata: import bill <<< 手形
並行輸入: heikouyunyuu: parallel import <<< 並行
related words: 輸出


pronunciation: yubisaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: fingertip
指先が器用だ: yubisakigakiyouda: have clever [nimble] fingers, be deft with one's fingers <<< 器用


pronunciation: yubiwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accessory
translation: finger ring
指輪を填める: yubiwaohameru: have [wear, slip] a ring on one's finger <<<
指輪を抜く: yubiwaonuku: slip a ring off one's finger <<<
指輪を外す: yubiwaohazusu <<<
指輪物語: yubiwamonogatari: The Lord of Rings (a novel of J. R. R. Tolkien) <<< 物語
婚約指輪: konnyakuyubiwa: engagement ring <<< 婚約
結婚指輪: kekkonnyubiwa: wedding ring <<< 結婚
synonyms: リング


pronunciation: yubune
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: bathtub
related words: 浴槽

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