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Direct access: 粉々 , 小波 , 粉雪 , 小猫 , 近衛 , 木葉 , 木の実 , 琥珀 , 小判 , 子羊


pronunciation: konagona
kanji characters:
other spells: 粉粉
keyword: mechanics
translation: pulverized [smashed] state
粉々にする: konagonanisuru: break (a thing) to pieces, pulverize, smash (vt.)
粉々に砕く: konagonanikudaku <<<
粉々に成る: konagonaninaru: be pulverized, smash (vi.) <<<
related words: 粉砕


pronunciation: konami
kanji characters: ,
other spells: コナミ (a Japanese game company)
keyword: sea
translation: small wave, wavelet
synonyms: 細波
antonyms: 大波


pronunciation: konayuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: powder snow


pronunciation: koneko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 子猫
keyword: pet
translation: kitten, kitty


pronunciation: konoe
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: Imperial Guard
近衛兵: konoehei: Imperial Guards (soldiers) <<<
近衛師団: konoeshidan: Imperial Guard Division <<< 師団
近衛連隊: konoerentai: Imperial Guard Regiment <<< 連隊
近衛将校: konoeshoukou: Guards officer <<< 将校


pronunciation: konoha
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 木の葉
keyword: plant
translation: leaf [leaves] of trees, foliage
木葉が落ちる: konohagaochiru: Leaves fall <<<


pronunciation: konomi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fruit
translation: nut, berry, fruit
related words: 果実 , ナッツ


pronunciation: kohaku
kanji characters:
keyword: accessory
translation: amber
琥珀色: kohakuiro: amber color <<<
琥珀色の: kohakuirono: amber-colored


pronunciation: koban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: koban (an old Japanese gold piece of oval form)
小判型の: kobangatano: oval, elliptical <<< , 楕円
小判鮫: kobanzame: remora <<<
猫に小判: nekonikoban: Pearls cast before swine <<<


pronunciation: kohitsuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: lamb
related words: ラム

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