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Direct access: 温暖 , 音痴 , 御中 , 音調 , 音程 , 温度 , 雄鶏 , 穏便 , 音符 , 音読


pronunciation: ondan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: mildness, warmth
温暖な: ondannna: mild (climate), warm (a.)
温暖化: ondanka: (climate) warming <<<
温暖前線: ondanzensen: warm front <<< 前線
related words: 寒冷


pronunciation: onchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: tone deafness
音痴の: onchino: tone-deaf
方向音痴: houkouonchi: lack of direction sense <<< 方向


pronunciation: onchuu, onaka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: to the before mentioned person [company] (formula at start of a letter), stomach


pronunciation: onchou
kanji characters: , 調
keyword: music
translation: tune, tone, melody
音調の良い: onchounoii, onchounoyoi: euphonic, euphonious <<<
音調の悪い: onchounowarui: cacophonous <<<
synonyms: メロディー


pronunciation: ontei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: musical interval, step
音程が狂う: onteigakuruu: get [go] out of tune <<<
音程が狂った: onteigakurutta: out of tune
音程が合う: onteigaau: get in tune <<<
音程が合った: onteigaatta: in tune
related words: 調子 , 音階


pronunciation: ondo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , weather
translation: temperature
温度が上がる: ondogaagaru: The temperature rises. <<<
温度が下がる: ondogasagaru: The temperature falls. <<<
温度が高い: ondogatakai: The temperature is high. <<<
温度が低い: ondogahikui: The temperature is low. <<<
温度を計る: ondoohakaru: take the temperature <<<
温度計: ondokei: thermometer
温度を調節する: ondoochousetsusuru: regulate [adjust] the temperature <<< 調節
温度測定: ondosokutei: thermometry <<< 測定
室内温度: shitsunaiondo: room temperature <<< 室内
臨界温度: rinkaiondo: critical temperature <<< 臨界
絶対温度: zettaiondo: absolute temperature <<< 絶対
related words: 気温 , 体温


pronunciation: ondori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: cock, rooster, male bird
antonyms: 雌鳥


pronunciation: onbin
kanji characters: , 便
translation: peacefulness, easiness, secrecy, privacy
穏便な: onbinnna: peaceable, amicable, private
穏便に: onbinnni: peaceably, amicably, privately
穏便に済ます: onbinnnisumasu: settle (a matter) peaceably [in private, out of court] <<<
穏便に片付ける: onbinnnikataZukeru
related words: 内緒


pronunciation: onpu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: musical note
全音符: zenonpu: whole note <<<
半音符: hanonpu: half note, minim <<<
四分音符: shibunonpu: crotchet, quarter note <<< 四分


pronunciation: onnyomi, ondoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: onyomi reading, reading of a Chinese character without rendering [translation]
antonyms: 訓読

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