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Direct access: 樹海 , 需給 , 儒教 , 授業 , 熟成 , 熟達 , 熟読 , 熟年 , 熟練 , 受験


pronunciation: jukai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: virgin forest (at the foot of Mt. Fuji)
related words: 富士


pronunciation: jukyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: demand and supply
需給関係: jukyuukankei: relation between demand and supply <<< 関係


pronunciation: jukyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: Confucianism
儒教の: jukyouno: Confucian


pronunciation: jugyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: lesson, teaching, class, course
授業する: jugyousuru: teach
授業を受ける: jugyououkeru: take a lesson <<<
授業に出る: jugyounideru: attend school <<<
授業中: jugyouchuu: during class <<<
授業料: jugyouryou: school fee <<<
授業時間: jugyoujikan: school hours <<< 時間
最後の授業: saigonojugyou: last lesson, last class <<< 最後
語学の授業: gogakunojugyou: language lesson <<< 語学
二部授業: nibujugyou: double-shift school system <<< 二部
個人授業: kojinjugyou: private lesson <<< 個人
synonyms: 講義 , クラス


pronunciation: jukusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: ripeness, maturity
熟成した: jukuseishita: ripped, matured, aged
熟成する: jukuseisuru: ripen, grow ripe, mature
synonyms: 成熟


pronunciation: jukutatsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: mastery, proficiency
熟達する: jukutatsusuru: master (v.), get the mastery


pronunciation: jukudoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: careful reading, perusal
熟読する: jukudokusuru: read carefully [through and through], peruse
熟読玩味する: jukudokuganmisuru: read with appreciation


pronunciation: jukunen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: mature [ripe] age
熟年の: jukunennno: middle-aged
熟年夫婦: jukunenhuuhu: couple of a ripe age <<< 夫婦
synonyms: 壮年


pronunciation: jukuren
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: skill, dexterity, mastery
熟練する: jukurensuru: become skilled [dexterous] (in doing), become expert (in, at)
熟練した: jukurenshita: skillful, skilled, experienced, expert (a.)
熟練者: jukurensha: expert (n.), man of experience <<<
熟練家: jukurenka <<<
熟練工: jukurenkou: skilled [trained] hand [workman], skilled labor <<<
熟練労働者: jukurenroudousha
synonyms: 上手 , 専門


pronunciation: juken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: taking one's exams
受験する: jukensuru: take [sit for] an examination
受験科: jukenka: preparatory course <<<
受験者: jukensha: candidate for examination, examinee <<<
受験生: jukensei: candidate for examination, test taker, prep school student <<<
受験票: jukenhyou: admission ticket for examination <<<
受験料: jukenryou: examination fee <<<
受験の準備をする: jukennnojunbiosuru: prepare (oneself) for an entrance examination <<< 準備
受験に失敗する: jukennnishippaisuru: fail in an examination <<< 失敗
受験科目: jukenkamoku: subjects of examination <<< 科目
受験産業: jukensangyou: entrance examination industry <<< 産業
受験資格: jukenshikaku: qualification for an examination <<< 資格
受験資格が有る: jukenshikakugaaru: be qualified for an examination <<<
受験写真: jukenshashin: photograph for an examination <<< 写真
受験番号: jukenbangou: examinee's application (seat) number <<< 番号
受験勉強: jukenbenkyou: studying for an examination <<< 勉強
related words: 試験

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