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Direct access: 入賞 , 乳児 , 入場 , 入籍 , 入隊 , 入道 , 入門 , 入浴 , 入力 , 女房


pronunciation: nyuushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: prize (winning), laureateship
入賞する: nyuushousuru: win [get] a prize
入賞した: nyuushoushita: prize-winning
入賞者: nyuushousha: prize winner, laureate <<<


pronunciation: nyuuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: kids
translation: suckling, baby
乳児食: nyuujishoku: baby food <<<
related words: 赤ん坊 , ベビー


pronunciation: nyuujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , show
translation: entrance, admission
入場する: nyuujousuru: enter, be admitted (in, into)
入場料: nyuujouryou: admission fee <<<
入場税: nyuujouzei: admission tax <<<
入場券: nyuujouken: entrance [admission] ticket, platform ticket <<<
入場券売場: nyuujoukennuriba: ticket [booking] office <<< 売場
入場者: nyuujousha: visitors, attendance <<<
入場式: nyuujoushiki: opening ceremony <<<
入場随意: nyuujouzuii: free to all
入場無料: nyuujoumuryou: admission free <<< 無料
入場禁止: nyuujoukinshi: No admittance [entrance] <<< 禁止


pronunciation: nyuuseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: entry in family register
入籍する: nyuusekisuru: have a person's name entered in the family register, enter a person's name into the family register
related words: 戸籍


pronunciation: nyuutai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , life
translation: enrollment, enlistment
入隊する: nyuutaisuru: join the army
入隊式: nyuutaishiki: induction <<<
入隊者: nyuutaisha: recruit <<<


pronunciation: nyuudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: lay bonze [priest]
入道雲: nyuudougumo: towering mass of clouds <<<
大入道: oonyuudou: huge monster, giant <<<


pronunciation: nyuumon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: admission (in a private academy), guide, introduction
入門する: nyuumonsuru: become one of a person's pupils
入門書: nyuumonsho: handbook, guidebook, elements, rudiments <<<
入門者: nyuumonsha: beginner <<<
入門者用: nyuumonshayou: for beginners <<<
related words: 初心 , 初級


pronunciation: nyuuyoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: bathing, bath
入浴する: nyuuyokusuru: take a bath, bathe
入浴させる: nyuuyokusaseru: give a bath
related words: 風呂


pronunciation: nyuuryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer
translation: input (n.)
入力する: nyuuryokusuru: input (v.)
入力システム: nyuuryokushisutemu: entry system <<< システム
synonyms: インプット


pronunciation: nyoubo, nyoubou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: wife, one's better half
女房持ち: nyouboumochi: married man <<<
女房役: nyoubouyaku: one's right-hand man <<<
女房孝行の: nyouboukoukouno: doting, uxorious <<< 孝行
世話女房: sewanyoubou: good housewife <<< 世話
related words: 家内

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