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Direct access: 参戦 , 酸素 , 山荘 , 山賊 , 三尊 , 山頂 , 参道 , 参堂 , 三人 , 桟橋


pronunciation: sansen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: participation in the war
参戦する: sansensuru: enter [join, participate in] the war


pronunciation: sanso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: oxygen
酸素吸入: sansokyuunyuu: oxygen inhalation <<< 吸入
酸素吸入器: sansokyuunyuuki: oxygen inhaler <<<
酸素溶接: sansoyousetsu: oxyacetylene welding <<< 溶接
酸素化合物: sansokagoubutsu: oxygen compound, oxide
液体酸素: ekitaisanso: liquid oxygen <<< 液体


pronunciation: sansou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: mountain villa, hillside cottage


pronunciation: sanzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , crime
translation: brigand, bandit (of mountains)
山賊の群れ: sanzokunomure: gang of bandits <<<
山賊に会う: sanzokuniau: fall among bandits <<<
山賊行為: sanzokukoui: brigandage <<< 行為
related words: 海賊


pronunciation: sanzon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism , market
translation: Buddhist Trinity (a Buddha statue escorted by smaller one in both sides), head and shoulders (a pattern of financial chart)
逆三尊: gyakusanzon: inverse head and shoulders <<<
related words: 仏像


pronunciation: sanchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: mountain peak, summit [top] of a mountain
related words: ピーク , サミット


pronunciation: sandou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: approach to a shrine
表参道: omotesandou: main road to a shrine <<<


pronunciation: sandou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: worship (n.), visit of a shrine
参堂する: sandousuru: worship (v.), visit a shrine
related words: 参拝


pronunciation: sannnin
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 3人
translation: three persons
三人組: sannningumi: trio, triad <<< , トリオ
三人称: sannninshou: the third person (in grammar) <<<
三人寄れば文殊の知恵: sannninnyorebamonjunochie: Two heads are better than one
related words: 二人


pronunciation: sanbashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: pier, jetty, quay, dock
桟橋に横付けに成る: sanbashiyokoZukeninaru: come alongside the pier
桟橋使用料: sanbashishiyouryou: wharfage
浮き桟橋: ukisanbashi: landing stage <<<

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