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Direct access: 博打 , 爆発 , 幕僚 , 暴露 , 馬具 , 化け猫 , 化物 , 馬券 , 馬車 , 場所


pronunciation: bakuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: gambling, gaming
博打を打つ: bakuchioutsu: gamble (v.), game (v.) <<<
博打で勝つ: bakuchidekatsu: win at gamble <<<
博打で負ける: bakuchidemakeru: lose at gamble <<<
博打打: bakuchiuchi: gambler <<<
博打場: bakuchijou: gambling place, house <<<
大博打: oobakuchi: very high stake, risky enterprise <<<
related words: , 賭博 , ギャンブル


pronunciation: bakuhatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , weapon
translation: explosion, blast (n.)
爆発する: bakuhatsusuru: explode, blast (v.)
爆発性の: bakuhatsuseino: explosive (a.) <<<
爆発物: bakuhatsubutsu: explosive (n.) <<<
爆発薬: bakuhatsuyaku <<<
爆発音: bakuhatsuon: report, loud noise, detonation <<<
爆発力: bakuhatsuryoku: brisance, explosive power <<<
爆発ガス: bakuhatsugasu: explosive gas <<< ガス
核爆発: kakubakuhatsu: nuclear explosion <<<
原発爆発: genpatsubakuhatsu: explosion of a nuclear plant <<< 原発
ガス爆発: gasubakuhatsu: gas explosion <<< ガス
related words: 破裂


pronunciation: bakuryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: military rank
translation: staff officer
幕僚長: bakuryouchou: chief of staff <<<
synonyms: 参謀


pronunciation: bakuro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: exposure, disclosure, revelation
暴露する: bakurosuru: expose, disclose, reveal, uncover
暴露記事: bakurokiji: telltale story <<< 記事
暴露戦術: bakurosenjutsu: exposure tactics <<< 戦術


pronunciation: bagu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: harness, horse trappings
馬具を付ける: baguotsukeru: harness (a horse) <<<
馬具を外す: baguohazusu: unharness (a horse) <<<
馬具師: bagushi: saddler, harness maker <<<
related words: ハーネス


pronunciation: bakeneko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: demon [demonic] cat


pronunciation: bakemono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: ghost, apparition, hobgoblin, monster, specter
化物の様な: bakemononoyouna: monstrous <<<
化物屋敷: bakemonoyashiki: haunted house <<< 屋敷
シアン化物: shiankabutsu: cyanide <<< シアン
synonyms: 怪物 , 御化


pronunciation: baken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: horse-race betting ticket
馬券を買う: bakennokau: buy a horse-race betting ticket <<<
馬券が当る: bakengaataru: win a bet on a horse race <<<
馬券売場: bakennuriba: betting ticket office <<< 売場


pronunciation: basha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: horse
translation: carriage, coach
馬車に乗る: bashaninoru: ride in [on] a carriage <<<
馬車で行く: bashadeiku: go by carriage <<<
馬車馬: bashauma: carriage horse, cart horse <<<
馬車代: bashadai: coach fare <<<
幌馬車: horobasha: covered wagon <<<
荷馬車: nibasha: cart <<<
辻馬車: tsujibasha: cab <<<


pronunciation: basho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , martial art
translation: place, spot, position, situation, location, scene, seat, site
場所が良い: bashogaii, bashogayoi: be well located [situated] <<<
場所が悪い: bashogawarui: be badly located [situated] <<<
場所を取る: bashootoru: occupy much room [space], keep a place <<<
場所を塞ぐ: bashoohusagu: take up much room [space] <<<
場所を空ける: bashooakeru: make room, clear space <<<
場所割り: bashowari: allocation of places <<<
居場所: ibasho: whereabout <<<
初場所: hatsubasho: new year sumo tournament <<<
春場所: harubasho: spring sumo tournament <<<
夏場所: natsubasho: summer sumo tournament <<<
秋場所: akibasho: fall sumo tournament <<<
本場所: honbasho: official sumo tournament <<<
集合場所: shuugoubasho: meeting place <<< 集合
会合場所: kaigoubasho: place of meeting, rendezvous <<< 会合
申合せた場所: moushiawasetabasho: appointed place <<< 申合せ
任意の場所: ninninobasho: any place <<< 任意
格好な場所: kakkounabasho: appropriate place <<< 格好
synonyms: 位置
related words: 相撲 ,

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