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Direct access: 役所 , 役職 , 躍進 , 約定 , 薬草 , 約束 , 役人 , 役場 , 薬品 , 薬味


pronunciation: yakusho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: public [government] office
役所風: yakushohuu: officialism, red-tapism <<<
市役所: shiyakusho: city [municipal] office, city hall <<<
区役所: kuyakusho: ward office <<<


pronunciation: yakushoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: executive post, company management
役職に就く: yakushokunitsuku: take up an executive post <<<


pronunciation: yakushin
kanji characters: ,
translation: rapid progress
躍進する: yakushinsuru: make rapid progress, advance by leaps and bounds


pronunciation: yakujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: agreement, contract (n.), stipulation
約定する: yakujousuru: agree, contract (v.), stipulate
約定書: yakujousho: written contract, pact <<<


pronunciation: yakusou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant , drug
translation: medicinal herb [plant]
薬草園: yakusouen: herb garden <<<
薬草商: yakusoushou: herbalist <<<
薬草商人: yakusoushounin <<< 商人
薬草店: yakusouten: herbalist's shop <<<
related words: ハーブ


pronunciation: yakusoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: promise (n.), engagement, pledge (n.), covenant
約束する: yakusokusuru: promise (v.), pledge (v.)
約束の: yakusokuno: promised, appointed, agreed
約束を守る: yakusokuomamoru: keep one's promise [word] <<<
約束を果す: yakusokuohatasu <<<
約束を破る: yakusokuoyaburu: break one's promise [word] <<<
約束通りに: yakusokudoorini: as promised, true to one's word [promised] <<<
口約束: kuchiyakusoku: verbal promise <<<
口約束する: kuchiyakusokusuru: give a verbal promise, give one's word
related words:


pronunciation: yakunin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: government official, public [civil] servant [officer]
役人に成る: yakuninnninaru: enter into government service <<<
役人根性: yakuninkonjou: officialism, bureaucratism, red tape <<< 根性
役人生活: yakuninseikatsu: official life [career] <<< 生活
汚職役人: oshokuyakunin: corrupt official <<< 汚職


pronunciation: yakuba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: public office
村役場: murayakuba: village office <<<
町役場: machiyakuba: town office <<<
公証役場: koushouyakuba: notary office <<< 公証
related words: 役所


pronunciation: yakuhin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug , chemistry
translation: medicines, drugs, chemicals
薬品中毒: yakuhinchuudoku: drug intoxication <<< 中毒
化学薬品: kagakuyakuhin: chemicals <<< 化学
related words: 薬剤


pronunciation: yakumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: condiment
translation: spices, condiments
薬味の効いた: yakuminokiita: spicy <<<
薬味を入れる: yakumioireru: spice (v.) [flavor, season] (a dish) <<<
薬味入れ: yakumiire: cruet, castor
synonyms: 香辛料 , スパイス

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