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Direct access: 受難 , 授乳 , 襦袢 , 寿命 , 樹木 , 呪文 , 需要 , 受理 , 順位 , 巡回


pronunciation: junan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: sufferings, ordeals
受難日: junanbi: Good Friday <<<
受難週: junanshuu: Passion Week <<<


pronunciation: junyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: kids
translation: suckling, lactation
授乳する: junyuusuru: suckle, nurse, give the breast to (a baby)
授乳期: junyuuki: period of lactation <<<


pronunciation: juban
kanji characters:
keyword: clothes
translation: undershirt


pronunciation: jumyou
kanji characters: 寿 ,
keyword: life
translation: lifetime, life span, longevity, age, life expectancy
寿命が長い: jumyouganagai: have a long life <<<
寿命が短い: jumyougamijikai: have a short life <<<
寿命が縮まる: jumyougachiJimaru: The life (expectancy) becomes shorter, be frightened to death <<<
寿命が延びる: jumyouganobiru: The life (expectancy) becomes longer, take a new lease of life <<<
寿命を延ばす: jumyouonobasu: lengthen a person's life
寿命で死ぬ: jumyoudeshinu: die a natural death <<<
平均寿命: heikinjumyou: average life span <<< 平均


pronunciation: jumoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tree
translation: tree
樹木の茂った: jumokunoshigetta: woody <<<
樹木学: jumokugaku: dendrology <<<
樹木学者: jumokugakusha: dendrologist <<< 学者
樹木栽培: jumokusaibai: tree culture <<< 栽培
樹木栽培者: jumokusaibaisha: tree farmer <<<


pronunciation: jumon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: spell, incantation
呪文を唱える: jumonnotonaeru: chant a spell <<<
呪文を解く: jumonnotoku: break a spell <<<


pronunciation: juyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: demand, request
需要が有る: juyougaaru: be in demand <<<
需要を満たす: juyouomitasu: meet a demand <<<
需要が多い: juyougaooi: have plenty of demand <<<
需要者: juyousha: consumer <<<
需要供給: juyoukyoukyuu: demand and supply <<< 供給
需要過多: juyoukata: over demand
国内需要: kokunaijuyou: domestic needs <<< 国内
有効需要: yuukoujuyou: effective demand <<< 有効
antonyms: 供給


pronunciation: juri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: reception, acceptation
受理する: jurisuru: receive, accept
受理される: jurisareru: be received [accepted]
related words: 受取


pronunciation: junni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: grade, ranking, order
順位を決める: junniokimeru: decide ranking <<<
順位を決定する: junnioketteisuru <<< 決定
順位決定戦: junniketteisen: play-off
相続順位: souzokujunni: order of succession <<< 相続
synonyms: ランキング


pronunciation: junkai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: round, patrol (n.), tour, rotation, itinerancy
巡回の: junkaino: itinerant, traveling
巡回する: junkaisuru: go round, patrol (v.), rotate
巡回区域: junkaikuiki: one's beat <<< 区域
巡回大使: junkaitaishi: roving ambassador <<< 大使
巡回講演: junkaikouen: lecturing tour <<< 講演
巡回診療所: junkaishinryousho: traveling clinic
巡回図書館: junkaitoshokan: traveling library
巡回裁判所: junkaisaibansho: circuit court <<< 裁判所
synonyms: パトロール

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