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Direct access: 容姿 , 様式 , 洋式 , 洋室 , 容赦 , 要所 , 幼少 , 洋食 , 養殖 , 楊枝


pronunciation: youshi
kanji characters: , 姿
keyword: beauty
translation: one's face and figure, appearance, figure
容姿端麗: youshitanrei: having a graceful figure, personable
related words: 外観


pronunciation: youshiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: style, mode, form, pattern
様式の: youshikino: stylistic
様式化する: youshikikasuru: stylize <<<
様式論: youshikiron: stylistics <<<
生活様式: seikatsuyoushiki: way of life <<< 生活
行動様式: koudouyoushiki: behavior pattern <<< 行動
建築様式: kenchikuyoushiki: style of building, architecture <<< 建築
バロック様式: barokkuyoushiki: baroque style <<< バロック
ゴシック様式: goshikkuyoushiki: Gothic style <<< ゴシック


pronunciation: youshiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: European [western] style
洋式の: youshikino: European, western
洋式トイレ: youshikitoire: western style lavatory [toilet] <<< トイレ


pronunciation: youshitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: European-style [Western-style] room
antonyms: 和室


pronunciation: yousha
kanji characters: ,
translation: pardon (n.)
容赦無く: youshanaku: without mercy, relentlessly <<<
容赦する: youshasuru: pardon (v.), forgive, have mercy on, overlook


pronunciation: yousho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: important point, strategic point
要所要所に: youshoyoushoni: at every strategic point
related words: 急所


pronunciation: youshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: kids
translation: childhood, infancy
幼少の頃より: youshounokoroyori: since childhood, from childhood on, ever since he was a child <<<


pronunciation: youshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: European [Western] food [dishes]
洋食店: youshokuten: European restaurant <<<
antonyms: 和食


pronunciation: youshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fish
translation: raising, culture (n.), farming
養殖する: youshokusuru: raise, breed, cultivate, culture (v.)
養殖場: youshokujo: nursery, farm <<<
養殖者: youshokusha: pisciculturist, breeder <<<
養殖鱒: youshokumasu: cultivated trout <<<
養殖鮪: youshokumaguro: cultivated tuna <<<
養殖鰻: youshokuunagi: cultivated eel <<<
養殖法: youshokuhou: farming method, pisciculture <<<
養殖真珠: youshokushinju: cultivated pearl <<< 真珠
養殖牡蠣: youshokukaki: cultivated oyster <<< 牡蠣
鱒の養殖: masunoyoushoku: trout farming <<<
牡蠣養殖: kakiyoushoku: oyster culture [farming] <<< 牡蠣
真珠養殖: shinjuyoushoku: pearl culture <<< 真珠
人工養殖: jinkouyoushoku: (artificial) breeding [cultivation] <<< 人工
related words: 飼育


pronunciation: youji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: toothpick, toothbrush (anc.)
楊枝を使う: youjiotsukau: pick one's teeth <<< 使
爪楊枝: tsumayouji: toothpick <<<

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