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Direct access: 養蜂 , 用法 , 羊毛 , 要約 , 揚陸艦 , 容量 , 要領 , 葉緑素 , 養老 , 余暇


pronunciation: youhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: apiculture, beekeeping
養蜂家: youhouka: apiarist, apiculturist, beekeeper <<<
養蜂場: youhoujou: apiary <<<
養蜂所: youhousho, youhoujo <<<
related words: 蜜蜂


pronunciation: youhou
kanji characters: ,
translation: usage, direction for use
用法を誤る: youhouoayamaru: misuse <<<
synonyms: 使い方


pronunciation: youmou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fabric
translation: wool
羊毛の: youmouno: woolen
羊毛製の: youmouseino <<<
羊毛を刈る: youmouokaru: shear sheep <<<
羊毛商: youmoushou: wool merchant <<<
羊毛商人: youmoushounin <<< 商人
羊毛製品: youmouseihin: woolen goods, woolens <<< 製品
synonyms: ウール
related words: 毛糸


pronunciation: youyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: summary, résumé, abridged statement
要約する: youyakusuru: summarize, outline, digest, abridge
related words: 概要 , 概略


pronunciation: yourikukan
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: war , ship
translation: landing ship


pronunciation: youryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: capacity, volume
容量分析: youryoubunseki: mass analysis <<< 分析
熱容量: netsuyouryou: thermal capacity <<<
記憶容量: kiokuyouryou: memory [storage] capacity <<< 記憶
タンク容量: tankuyouryou: tankage, capacity of a tank <<< タンク
related words: 容積


pronunciation: youryou
kanji characters: ,
translation: point, knack, trick, gist
要領が悪い: youryougawarui: tactless <<<
要領が良い: youryougaii: shrewd <<<
要領を得ない: youryouoenai: vague, pointless, noncommittal <<<
学習指導要領: gakushuushidouyouryou: course of study <<< 学習


pronunciation: youryokuso
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: biology
translation: chlorophyll
葉緑素入りの: youryokusoirino: chlorophyllose, chlorophyll-containing <<<


pronunciation: yourou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: senior care
養老院: yourouin: home for the aged, old people's home <<<
養老保険: yourouhoken: old-age insurance <<< 保険
養老年金: yourounenkin: old-age pension <<< 年金
related words: 老人 , 老後


pronunciation: yoka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: leisure (hours), spare time [moments], odd moments
余暇が無い: yokaganai: have no time to spare <<<
余暇の利用: yokanoriyou: leisure activities <<< 利用
synonyms: レジャー

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