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Direct access: 緋色 , 火打石 , 比較 , 日陰 , 悲観 , 被害 , 日帰り , 日傘 , 東風 , 悲願


pronunciation: hiiro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: color
translation: cardinal (n.), scarlet
緋色の: hiirono: cardinal (a.), scarlet
related words: 深紅


pronunciation: hiuchiishi
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: geology
translation: flint, firestone


pronunciation: hikaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , grammar
translation: comparison
比較する: hikakusuru: compare
比較に成らない: hikakuninaranai: There is no comparison between, incomparable <<<
比較出来ない: hikakudekinai <<< 出来
比較的: hikakuteki: comparative, relative <<<
比較的に: hikakutekini: comparatively, relatively
比較的に言えば: hikakutekiniieba: comparatively speaking <<<
比較級: hikakukyuu: comparative degree <<<
比較表: hikakuhyou: comparative table <<<
比較文学: hikakubungaku: comparative literature <<< 文学


pronunciation: hikage
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: shade, shady spot
日陰の: hikageno: shady, in the shade
日陰に置く: hikagenioku: keep in the shade <<<
日陰に成る: hikageninaru: be shaded (by) <<<
日陰者: hikagemono: outcast, pariah, outlaw <<<
related words: 日向


pronunciation: hikan
kanji characters: ,
translation: pessimism, discouragement, disheartening, despondency
悲観する: hikansuru: be pessimist, discourage, dishearten, despond
悲観的: hikanteki: pessimistic, gloomy <<<
悲観論: hikanron: pessimism <<<
悲観論者: hikanronsha: pessimist <<<
antonyms: 楽観


pronunciation: higai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: damage, loss, harm, injury, casualties
被害届: higaitodoke: damage report <<<
被害を被る: higaiokoumuru: suffer damage, be damaged <<<
被害を受ける: higaioukeru <<<
被害を与える: higaioataeru: damage (v.), devastate, ravage <<<
被害を及ぼす: higaiooyobosu <<<
被害を免れる: higaiomanugareru: escape damage <<<
被害者: higaisha: victim <<<
被害地: higaichi: ravaged area, damaged region <<<
被害妄想: higaimousou: persecution mania <<< 妄想
related words: 損害


pronunciation: higaeri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: one-day trip
日帰り旅行: higaeriryokou <<< 旅行
日帰り旅行する: higaeriryokousuru: make a one-day trip
日帰りが出来る: higaerigadekiru: you can get there and back in a day <<< 出来


pronunciation: higasa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accessory
translation: sunshade, parasol
antonyms: 雨傘


pronunciation: higashikaze, touhuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: east wind
東風汽車: touhuukisha: Dongfeng Motor (a Chinese automobile manufacturer) <<< 汽車


pronunciation: higan
kanji characters: ,
translation: one's earnest wish, one's long-cherished desire
悲願の: higannno: long-cherished
related words: 念願

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