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Direct access: 譲渡 , 上等 , 常套 , 浄土 , 情熱 , 蒸発 , 乗馬 , 上品 , 情婦 , 情夫


pronunciation: jouto
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: transfer (n.), alienation, negotiation, assignment, conveyance, disposal
譲渡する: joutosuru: transfer (v.), alienate, negotiate
譲渡人: joutonin: transferor, assignor, grantor <<<
被譲渡人: hijoutonin: transferee, assignee <<<
譲渡出来る: joutodekiru: transferable, alienable, negotiable <<< 出来
譲渡出来ない: joutodekinai: non-transferable, untransferable, inalienable
譲渡価格: joutokakaku: transfer price <<< 価格
譲渡代価: joutodaika <<< 代価
譲渡所得: joutoshotoku: capital gains <<< 所得
譲渡証書: joutoshousho: deed of transfer <<< 証書
債権譲渡: saikenjouto: assignment of a claim <<< 債権
財産譲渡: zaisanjouto: conveyance of estate <<< 財産
生前譲渡: seizenjouto: advancement (of inheritance) <<< 生前
権利を譲渡する: kenriojoutosuru: transfer [hand over] the right <<< 権利


pronunciation: joutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: advertisement
translation: superior quality, excellence
上等の: joutouno: good, fine, of superior quality, excellent
上等な: joutouna
上等品: joutouhin: article of superior quality <<<
上等席: joutouseki: first class seat <<<
上等兵: joutouhei: private first class <<< , 伍長
上等水兵: joutousuihei: seaman
synonyms: 上質
related words: 一等


pronunciation: joutou
kanji characters:
translation: truism, commonplace, platitude, banality
常套語: joutougo: stock phrase <<<
常套句: joutouku: hackneyed expression <<<
常套手段: joutoushudan: worn-out measure, old trick, usual method <<< 手段


pronunciation: joudo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: paradise, land of promise, pure land, Elysium
浄土宗: joudoshuu: Jodo-Sect <<<
浄土真宗: joudoshinshuu: Shinshu-Sect
synonyms: 天国


pronunciation: jounetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: passion, ardor, fervor, enthusiasm, sizzle
情熱的: jounetsuteki: passionate, ardent, fervent, sizzling <<<
情熱的に: jounetsutekini: passionately, ardently, fervently
情熱を燃やす: jounetsuomoyasu: put one's heart (and soul) into <<<
情熱を傾ける: jounetsuokatamukeru <<<
related words: 熱心


pronunciation: jouhatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: evaporation, vaporization
蒸発する: jouhatsusuru: evaporate, vaporize, volatize
蒸発し易い: jouhatsushiyasui: volatile <<<
蒸発皿: jouhatsuzara: evaporating dish <<<
蒸発熱: jouhatsunetsu: heat of evaporation [vaporisation] <<<


pronunciation: jouba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: horse
translation: (horse) riding, horsemanship, riding horse, equestrianism
乗馬の: joubano: equestrian
乗馬する: joubasuru: bestride a horse, mount a [the] horse
乗馬で行く: joubadeiku: go on horseback <<<
乗馬靴: joubagutsu: riding boots <<<
乗馬服: joubahuku: riding suit [habit] <<<
乗馬鞭: joubamuchi: riding crop [whip] <<<
乗馬術: joubajutsu: horsemanship, riding skill <<<
乗馬学校: joubagakkou: riding school [academy] <<< 学校
乗馬ズボン: joubazubon: jodhpurs, riding breeches <<< ズボン
乗馬クラブ: joubakurabu: riding club <<< クラブ
related words: 馬乗 , 騎馬


pronunciation: jouhin
kanji characters: ,
translation: refinement, elegance
上品さ: jouhinsa
上品な: jouhinnna: decent, refined, elegant, graceful, tasteful, genteel, well-bred <<< エレガント
上品に: jouhinnni: decently, elegantly, gracefully, tastefully
上品振る: jouhinburu: give oneself graces <<<
synonyms: 品格 , 洗練 , 優雅 , 風流 , エレガンス
antonyms: 下品


pronunciation: jouhu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: mistress, paramour
antonyms: 情夫


pronunciation: jouhu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: lover, paramour, gigolo
synonyms: 色男
antonyms: 情婦

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