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Direct access: 柏餅 , 家臣 , 過信 , 火事 , 家事 , 鍛冶 , 梶木 , 果実 , 過剰 , 家人


pronunciation: kashiwamochi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: カシワモチ
keyword: confectionery
translation: a rice cake wrapped in an oak leaf, kashiwamochi


pronunciation: kashin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: retainer, vassal


pronunciation: kashin
kanji characters: ,
translation: overconfidence
過信する: kashinsuru: trust too much (in), be overconfident [too confident] (of)


pronunciation: kaji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: fire, blaze, conflagration
火事が起こる: kajigaokoru: fire breaks out, starts <<<
火事が起きる: kajigaokiru
火事に遭う: kajiniau: suffer from [have] a fire <<<
火事を出す: kajiodasu: start [cause] a fire <<<
火事を起す: kajiookosu <<<
火事を消す: kajiokesu: extinguish the fire <<<
火事場: kajiba: scene of a fire <<<
火事場泥棒: kajibadorobou: thief at a fire <<< 泥棒
火事装束: kajishouzoku: fireman's uniform
山火事: yamakaji: forest fire <<<
related words: 火災


pronunciation: kaji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: household matters, family affairs, domestic chores, housework
家事の: kajino: domestic
家事をする: kajiosuru: work at home
家事の都合で: kajinotsugoude: for family reasons <<< 都合
家事を取締る: kajiotorishimaru: manage the house <<< 取締
家事仕事: kajishigoto: domestic works <<< 仕事
related words: 家政


pronunciation: kaji
kanji characters:
keyword: history
translation: smithery
鍛冶屋: kajiya: blacksmith <<<
鍛冶場: kajiba: blacksmith's shop <<<
刀鍛冶: katanakaji: swordsmith <<<


pronunciation: kajiki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: カジキ, 舵木, 旗魚
keyword: fish
translation: swordfish, spearfish
梶木鮪: kajikimaguro <<<


pronunciation: kajitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fruit
translation: fruit (n.), nut, berry
果実の: kajitsuno: fruit (a.)
果実酒: kajitsushu: fruit wine <<<
乾燥果実: kansoukajitsu: dried fruit <<< 乾燥
related words: 果物 , 木の実


pronunciation: kajou
kanji characters: ,
translation: surplus, excess, superabundance, spillover
過剰の: kajouno: superfluous, overmuch
過剰米: kajoumai: surplus rice <<<
過剰医療: kajouiryou: overmedication <<< 医療
過剰投与: kajoutouyo: excessive dose
過剰人口: kajoujinkou: surplus population <<< 人口
過剰防衛: kajoubouei: excessive self-defense <<< 防衛
過剰包装: kajouhousou: excessive packing <<< 包装
過剰生産: kajouseisan: overproduction <<< 生産
供給過剰: kyoukyuukajou: excessive supply, over-supply, glut <<< 供給
自信過剰: jishinkajou: excessive self-confidence <<< 自信
生産過剰: seisankajou: overproduction, excessive production <<< 生産
人口過剰: jinkoukajou: overpopulation <<< 人口


pronunciation: kajin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: family, a member of one's family
related words: 家族

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