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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18
Direct access: 曖昧 , 愛欲 , 亜鉛 , 青色 , 青空 , 青葉 , 青豆 , 仰向 , 青森 , 赤貝


pronunciation: aimai
translation: vagueness, ambiguity
曖昧な: aimaina: vague, ambiguous, obscure, equivocal, evasive, unreliable, uncertain, noncommittal, sibylline
曖昧な言訳をする: aimainaiiwakeosuru: give a vague [an equivocal] explanation <<< 言訳
曖昧な態度を取る: aimainataidootoru: assume an uncertain [a dubious] attitude (toward), do not commit oneself
曖昧に: aimaini: vaguely, ambiguously
曖昧に言う: aimainiiu: speak ambiguously, equivocate, beat about [around] the bush <<<
synonyms: 不確か


pronunciation: aiyoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sex , love
translation: passion, lust
愛欲に溺れる: aiyokunioboreru: give vent to one's (amorous) passion <<<
愛欲の虜に成る: aiyokunotorikoninaru: become a slave to (amorous) passion
愛欲盛んな: aiyokusakannna: lecherous, wanton, lewd, lascivious <<<


pronunciation: aen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: zinc, Zn
亜鉛鍍金: aenmekki: galvanization <<< 鍍金
亜鉛鍍金する: aenmekkisuru: zinck (v.), galvanize
亜鉛鍍金の: aenmekkino: zincked, galvanized
亜鉛引きの: aenbikino <<<
亜鉛華: aenka: zinc white, zinc oxide <<<
related words: トタン


pronunciation: aoiro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: color
translation: blue (color)
青色の: aoirono: blue (a.)
青色申告: aoiroshinkoku: blue return (form) <<< 申告
related words: ブルー


pronunciation: aozora
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: blue sky
青空市場: aozoraichiba: open-air market <<< 市場
青空教室: aozorakyoushitsu: open-air class <<< 教室
synonyms: 晴天 , 青天


pronunciation: aoba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: green leaves [foliage]
青葉の頃: aobanokoro: season of fresh verdure <<<
related words: 新緑


pronunciation: aomame
kanji characters: ,
keyword: vegetable
translation: green soybeans
related words: 枝豆


pronunciation: aomuke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: one's face (turned) upward
仰向に: aomukeni: on one's back, with one's face (turned) upward
仰向にする: aomukenisuru: turn upward
仰向に成る: aomukeninaru: turn over one's back <<<
仰向に倒れる: aomukenitaoreru: fall on one's back <<<
仰向く: aomuku: look upward [up], turn one's face up
related words: 上向


pronunciation: aomori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Aomori (prefecture, city)
青森県: aomoriken: Prefecture of Aomori <<<
青森市: aomorishi: City of Aomori <<<
related words:


pronunciation: akagai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mollusk
translation: ark shell [clam]

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