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Direct access: 損切 , 続伸 , 続落 , 高値 , 積立 , 強気 , 転換 , 投機 , 投資 , 投信


pronunciation: songiri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: loss cut, stop-loss
related words: 利確


pronunciation: zokushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: continuous growth
続伸する: zokushinsuru: continuously grow
related words: 続落


pronunciation: zokuraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: continual fall [drop] (in prices), continual sagging
続落する: zokurakusuru: continuously grow [drop]
related words: 続伸


pronunciation: takane
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: high [top] price
高値掴み: takaneZukami: grab at high price (in market) <<<
新高値: shintakane: all-time high (price) <<<
antonyms: 底値


pronunciation: tsumitate
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 積み立
keyword: market
translation: reserve (fund), savings
積立金: tsumitatekin: reserve fund, installment savings, deposit <<<


pronunciation: tsuyoki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: strong-mindedness, bullish sentiment
強気の: tsuyokino: strong-minded, bullish
強気に成る: tsuyokininaru: become strong-minded [bullish] <<<
強気市場: tsuyokishijou: bullish [bull] market <<< 市場
antonyms: 弱気


pronunciation: tenkan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market , technology
translation: conversion, switchover, diversion
転換する: tenkansuru: convert, change, switch over, divert (one's mind from)
転換期: tenkanki: turning point <<<
転換炉: tenkanro: converter reactor <<<
転換価格: tenkankakaku: conversion price <<< 価格
転換社債: tenkanshasai: convertible bond, CB <<< 社債
配置転換: haichitenkan: reshuffle [redistribution] of the personnel <<< 配置
気分転換: kibuntenkan: distraction <<< 気分
気分転換する: kibuntenkansuru: amuse [enjoy] oneself, take a break <<< 気分
方向転換: houkoutenkan: change of direction, turn <<< 方向
方向転換する: houkoutenkansuru: change one's course, reorient <<< 方向
職場転換: shokubatenkan: (staff) turnover, transfer <<< 職場


pronunciation: touki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: speculation
投機する: toukisuru: speculate
投機的: toukiteki: speculative <<<
投機熱: toukinetsu: craze [mania] for speculation <<<
投機心: toukishin: speculative spirit <<<
投機家: toukika: speculator <<<
投機師: toukishi <<<
投機事業: toukijigyou: speculative enterprise <<< 事業


pronunciation: toushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: investment
投資する: toushisuru: invest
投資家: toushika: investor <<<
投資者: toushisha <<<
投資株: toushikabu: investment stocks <<<
投資会社: toushigaisha: investment company <<< 会社
投資信託: toushishintaku: investment trust <<< 信託 , 投信
投資資本: toushishihon: investment capital <<< 資本
投資計画: toushikeikaku: investment plan <<< 計画
投資利益率: toushiriekiritsu: return on investment, ROI
財政投資: zaiseitoushi: financial investments <<< 財政
不良投資: huryoutoushi: bad investment <<< 不良
設備投資: setsubitoushi: investment in equipment <<< 設備
間接投資: kansetsutoushi: indirect investment <<< 間接
先行投資: senkoutoushi: prior investments <<< 先行
海外投資: kaigaitoushi: foreign investment <<< 海外
synonyms: 出資


pronunciation: toushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: investment trust
上場投信: joujoutoushin: Exchange-Traded Fund, ETF <<< 上場
不動産投信: hudousantoushin: reit, real estate investment trust <<< 不動産
デリバティブ投信: deribatibutoushin: derivatives investment trust <<< デリバティブ

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