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Direct access: 被災 , 秘策 , 久し振り , 悲惨 , 日差 , 菱形 , 飛車 , 秘書 , 避暑 , 飛翔


pronunciation: hisai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: disaster, calamity, catastrophe
被災する: hisaisuru: suffer from [be hit by] a disaster [a calamity]
被災地: hisaichi: stricken area <<<
被災者: hisaisha: sufferer [victim] (of a disaster) <<<
related words: 災害


pronunciation: hisaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: secret plan [measures, strategy]


pronunciation: hisashiburi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 久しぶり
keyword: time
translation: after a long interval
久し振りに: hisashiburini
久し振りに会う: hisashiburiniau: meet a person after a long separation <<<
久し振りに対面する: hisashiburinitaimensuru <<< 対面


pronunciation: hisan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: tragedy, misery
悲惨な: hisannna: tragic, miserable, wretched, distressful, dire
悲惨を極める: hisannokiwameru: be in the depth of misery <<<
悲惨な最期: hisannnasaigo: tragic death [end] <<< 最期
悲惨な最期を遂げる: hisannnasaigootogeru: meet with a tragic death [end] <<<
悲惨な生活: hisannnaseikatsu: miserable [wretched] life, dog's life <<< 生活
悲惨な光景: hisannnakoukei: terrible sight <<< 光景


pronunciation: hizashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 陽射
keyword: weather
translation: sunlight
日差が暖かい: hizashigaatatakai: weather is mild <<<
related words: 日光


pronunciation: hishigata
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ひし形
keyword: mathematics
translation: lozenge, rhombus
菱形の: hishigatano: lozenge-shaped, rhombic
菱形模様: hishigatamoyou: diaper <<< 模様


pronunciation: hisha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: game
translation: one of pieces of Japanese chess
高飛車: takabisha: a tactic of Japanese chess (which consists to move this piece to the enemy position) <<<
高飛車な: takabishana: highhanded, authoritative
高飛車な態度: takabishanataido: highhanded [authoritative] tone <<< 態度
高飛車に言う: takabishaniiu: speak in a highhanded [authoritative] tone <<<
高飛車に話す: takabishanihanasu <<<
高飛車に出る: takabishanideru: act highhandedly [with a high hand] <<<
related words: 将棋


pronunciation: hisho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: secretary
秘書の: hishono: secretarial
秘書課: hishoka: secretariat section <<<
秘書科: hishoka: secretarial course <<<
秘書官: hishokan: private secretary <<<
大統領秘書: daitouryouhisho: presidential secretary <<< 大統領
related words: 官房


pronunciation: hisho
kanji characters: ,
translation: summering
避暑に行く: hishoniiku: summer (at, in), go to a summer resort <<<
避暑地: hishochi: summer resort <<<
避暑客: hishokyaku: summer visitor <<<
related words: 夏休


pronunciation: hishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird , sport
translation: fly (n.), flying, jump, jumping
飛翔する: hishousuru: fly (v.), jump, take a run

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