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Direct access: 女性 , 除雪 , 女装 , 女中 , 女帝 , 序文 , 除夜 , 女優 , 序列 , 地雷


pronunciation: josei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes , grammar
translation: gentle [fair] sex, womanhood, woman, lady, feminine gender
女性の: joseino: feminine, female (a.)
女性的: joseiteki: womanly, womanlike, feminine, womanish, effeminate <<<
女性美: joseibi: feminine beauty <<<
女性用: joseiyou: for women <<<
女性着: joseigi: women's clothes <<<
女性形: joseikei: feminine gender <<<
女性観: joseikan: view of womanhood <<<
女性心理: joseishinri: feminine psychology <<< 心理
女性社員: joseishain: feminine staff <<< 社員
女性歌手: joseikashu: female singer <<< 歌手
女性名詞: joseimeishi: feminine noun <<< 名詞
女性ドライバー: joseidoraibaa: woman driver <<< ドライバー
女性ホルモン: joseihorumon: female hormone, estrogen <<< ホルモン
臨月の女性: ringetsunojosei: parturient woman <<< 臨月
理想の女性: risounojosei: ideal woman, dream woman [girl] <<< 理想
グラマーな女性: guramaanajosei: glamour girl <<< グラマー
antonyms: 男性
related words: 婦人 , 女子


pronunciation: josetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: snow clearance
除雪する: josetsusuru: clear [remove] the snow [snowdrifts]
除雪機: josetsuki: snowplow <<<
除雪車: josetsusha <<<
除雪作業: josetsusagyou: snow-removing work <<< 作業
除雪作業員: josetsusagyouin: snow-removing worker [hand] <<<
related words: 雪掻き


pronunciation: josou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: woman's clothing, drag
女装の: josouno: in a woman's dress
女装する: josousuru: put on a female dress, disguise oneself as a woman
女装趣味の男: josoushuminootoko: shemale, ladyboy, transvestite
antonyms: 男装


pronunciation: jochuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , job
translation: maidservant, housemaid, female servant
synonyms: メイド
antonyms: 下男


pronunciation: jotei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nobility
translation: empress regnant
antonyms: 皇帝
related words: 女王


pronunciation: jobun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: foreword, preface, preamble
序文を書く: jobunnokaku: write a preface <<<
synonyms: 前書 , 序文 , 前置


pronunciation: joya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: New Year's Eve
除夜の鐘: joyanokane: watch-night bell <<<


pronunciation: joyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: movie
translation: actress
性格女優: seikakujoyuu: character actress <<< 性格
主演女優: shuenjoyuu: leading actress <<< 主演
antonyms: 男優
related words: 俳優


pronunciation: joretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: order, grade, rank


pronunciation: jirai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: land mine
地雷を置く: jiraiooku: lay [land] mines <<<
地雷を敷設する: jiraiohusetsusuru
地雷原: jiraigen: mine field <<<
地雷処理: jiraishori: mine cleaning <<< 処理
地雷探知機: jiraitanchiki: mine detector
対人地雷: taijinjirai: antipersonnel mine <<< 対人
related words: 機雷

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