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Direct access: 名所 , 名勝 , 名称 , 迷信 , 明治 , 名人 , 名声 , 瞑想 , 名刀 , 冥途


pronunciation: meisho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: famous place, sights, place of interest
名所見物する: meishokenbutsusuru: see [do] the sights <<< 見物
名所旧跡: meishokyuuseki: noted places and historic sites
related words: 名勝


pronunciation: meishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: scenic spot
related words: 名所


pronunciation: meishou
kanji characters: ,
translation: name (n.), designation, title
名称を付ける: meishouotsukeru: name (v.), designate, give a name <<<
名称を付する: meishouohusuru
名称を変更する: meishouohenkousuru: change the name, give another name <<< 変更
related words: 名前 , タイトル


pronunciation: meishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: superstition
迷信的: meishinteki: superstitious <<<
迷信家: meishinka: superstitious person <<<


pronunciation: meiji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: Meiji Era [Period] (1868-1912)
明治時代: meijijidai <<< 時代
明治天皇: meijitennnou: Emperor of Meiji (1852-1912) <<< 天皇
明治神宮: meijijinguu: Meiji Shrine <<< 神宮
related words: ,


pronunciation: meijin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: expert, master, crack hand
名人芸: meijingei: masterly feat <<<
名人会: meijinkai: variety shows of master artists <<<
名人位: meijinni: championship <<<
名人戦: meijinsen: championship series <<<
永世名人: eiseimeijin: (title of) permanent master <<< 永世
related words: 達人 , マエストロ


pronunciation: meisei
kanji characters: ,
translation: fame, reputation
名声を博する: meiseiohakusuru: win [gain] fame [reputation] <<<
名声を高める: meiseiotakameru: enhance [raise] one's reputation <<<
名声を落とす: meiseiootosu: ruin one's reputation <<<


pronunciation: meisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: meditation, contemplation, musing
瞑想する: meisousuru: meditate, contemplate, muse on
瞑想的: meisouteki: meditative <<<
瞑想に耽る: meisounihukeru: be lost in deep contemplation <<<


pronunciation: meitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: martial art
translation: fine [famous] sword


pronunciation: meido
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 冥土
keyword: buddhism
translation: Hades, region of the dead, underworld
冥途の旅に上る: meidonotabininoboru: start on a journey to one's last resting place
冥途の飛脚: meidonohikyaku: The Courier for Hell (a love-suicide play written by Chikamatsu Monzaemon, 1711) <<< 飛脚
synonyms: 黄泉

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