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Direct access: 河童 , 活発 , 割烹 , 鰹節 , 活字 , 割譲 , 活動 , 活躍 , 活用 , 活力


pronunciation: kappa
kanji characters: ,
other spells: カッパ
keyword: legend
translation: kappa (a Japanese legendary aquatic animal)
河童巻: kappamaki: seasoned rice and sliced cucumber rolled in laver <<<
屁の河童: henokappa: dead easy, easy-peasy, very easy <<<
御河童: okappa: bowl cut <<<
御河童頭: okappaatama <<<
related words:


pronunciation: kappatsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: activity, vivacity, animation
活発な: kappatsuna: active, animated, brisk, lively, vivacious
活発な議論: kappatsunagiron: animated discussion <<< 議論
活発な市場: kappatsunashijou: brisk [lively, booming] market <<< 市場
活発に: kappatsuni: actively, animatedly, briskly, livelily, vivaciously
活発になる: kappatsuninaru: brisk, revive
活発にする: kappatsunisuru: activate, animate
活発に議論する: kappatsunigironsuru: actively discuss <<< 議論
related words: 活気


pronunciation: kappou
kanji characters:
keyword: gastronomy
translation: Japanese cooking
割烹着: kappougi: apron <<< , エプロン
割烹店: kappouten: Japanese-style restaurant <<<
synonyms: 和食


pronunciation: katsuobushi, katsubushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese food
translation: dried bonito
鰹節削り: katsuobushikezuri: dried bonito plane <<<
鰹節削り器: katsuobushikezuriki <<<


pronunciation: katsuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: font, type set
活字の: katsujino: typographic, typographical
活字の誤り: katsujinoayamari: typographic [typographical] error <<<
活字にする: katsujinisuru: print
活字を組む: katsujiokumu: set type <<<
活字体: katsujitai: block letter <<<
活字盤: katsujiban: type case <<<
related words: 字体


pronunciation: katsujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: cession
割譲する: katsujousuru: cede, transfer
割譲地区: katsujouchiku: ceded area <<< 地区
related words: 譲渡


pronunciation: katsudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: action, activity, function (n.), operation
活動する: katsudousuru: be active, show activity, function (v.), operate
活動的: katsudouteki: active, energetic <<<
活動中: katsudouchuu: in activity [action] <<<
活動家: katsudouka: man of action, militant, activist <<<
活動力: katsudouryoku: activity, energy <<<
活動範囲: katsudouhanni: scope of activity <<< 範囲
活動分野: katsudoubunnya <<< 分野
活動方針: katsudouhoushin: policy of action <<< 方針
救援活動: kyuuenkatsudou: rescue operation <<< 救援
組合活動: kumiaikatsudou: union activities, syndicalism, unionism <<< 組合
諜報活動: chouhoukatsudou: espionage activities <<< 諜報
破壊活動: hakaikatsudou: sabotage, subversive activities <<< 破壊
日常活動: nichijoukatsudou: daily activities <<< 日常
医療活動: iryoukatsudou: medical services <<< 医療
宣教活動: senkyoukatsudou <<< 宣教
就職活動: shuushokukatsudou: job hunting <<< 就職
治安活動: chiankatsudou: police action <<< 治安
地下活動: chikakatsudou: secret activity <<< 地下
クラブ活動: kurabukatsudou: club activities <<< クラブ
ボランティア活動: borantiakatsudou: volunteer activities <<< ボランティア
スパイ活動: supaikatsudou: spy activities <<< スパイ
サークル活動: saakurukatsudou: circle activities <<< サークル
related words: 活躍


pronunciation: katsuyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: (great) activity, action, boom
活躍する: katsuyakusuru: play an active part [an important role] (in), be active (in)
related words: 活動


pronunciation: katsuyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: practical use [application], inflection, conjugation, declension
活用する: katsuyousuru: put (knowledge) to practical use, make the most [best] of, apply, inflect, conjugate, decline
活用語: katsuyougo: inflective words <<<


pronunciation: katsuryoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: vitality, vital energy, vigor
活力に溢れる: katsuryokuniahureru: full of life, vigorous, dynamic, energetic <<<
related words: エネルギー

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