Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36
Direct access: 自習 , 辞書 , 地所 , 自称 , 辞職 , 自信 , 地震 , 自身 , 事実 , 侍従


pronunciation: jishuu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 自修
keyword: school
translation: self-teaching, self-study
自習する: jishuusuru: teach oneself, study by oneself
自習室: jishuushitsu: study hall <<<
自習時間: jishuujikan: study hours <<< 時間
related words: 独学


pronunciation: jisho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: dictionary, lexicon, glossary, thesaurus
辞書を引く: jishoohiku: look up in a dictionary, consult a dictionary <<<
電子辞書: denshijisho: electronic dictionary <<< 電子
synonyms: 字引 , 辞典


pronunciation: jisho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: (piece of ) land, property, estate
地所を買う: jishookau: buy a piece of land <<<
synonyms: 土地 , 敷地
related words: 地面


pronunciation: jishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: the first person
自称の: jishouno: self-styled
自称する: jishousuru: call [style] oneself, profess oneself [claim] to be


pronunciation: jishoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: resignation
辞職する: jishokusuru: resign, leave office
辞職届: jishokutodoke: letter of resignation <<<
辞職願: shokunegai <<<
辞職願を出す: jishokunegaiodasu: tender one's resignation <<<
辞職を申し出る: jishokuomoushideru
辞職を勧告する: jishokuokankokusuru: advise [urge] (a person) to resign <<< 勧告
辞職を承認する: jishokuoshouninsuru: accept a person's resignation <<< 承認
総辞職: soujishoku: general resignation <<<
synonyms: 辞任


pronunciation: jishin
kanji characters: ,
translation: confidence, (self) assurance, faith
自信が有る: jishingaaru: be confident, sure, certain <<<
自信が無い: jishinganai: be diffident, uncertain <<<
自信が強い: jishingatsuyoi: have great confidence in oneself <<<
自信過剰: jishinkajou: excessive self-confidence <<< 過剰


pronunciation: jishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: earthquake, shake
地震の: jishinnno: seismic
地震計: jishinkei: seismograph, seismometer <<<
地震図: jishinzu: seismogram <<<
地震波: jishinha: seismic wave <<<
地震帯: jishintai: earthquake zone <<<
地震学: jishingaku: seismology <<<
地震学者: jishingakusha: seismologist <<< 学者
地震観測: jishinkansoku: seismological observation, seismometry <<< 観測
地震観測所: jishinkansokusho: seismological observatory <<<
海底地震: kaiteijishin: submarine earthquake <<< 海底
チリ地震: chirijishin: Great Chile Earthquake <<< チリ
ハイチ地震: haichijishin: Haiti Earthquake (2010) <<< ハイチ
related words: 津波 , 震災


pronunciation: jishin
kanji characters: ,
translation: oneself
自身の: jishinnno: personal, one's own
自身で: jishinde: by oneself, for oneself
私自身: watashijishin: myself <<<
君自身: kimijishin: yourself <<<
彼自身: karejishin: himself <<<
自分自身: jibunjishin: myself <<< 自分
彼等自身: karerajishin: themselves <<< 彼等
彼女自身: kanojojishin: herself <<< 彼女
貴方自身: anatajishin: yourself <<< 貴方


pronunciation: jijitsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: truth, fact, reality
事実に反する: jijitsunihansuru: be contrary to the fact <<<
事実に即した: jijitsunisokushita: conform to the truth <<<
事実に基づいた: jijitsunimotoZuita <<<
事実を語る: jijitsuokataru: speak the truth, state the fact <<<
事実を言う: jijitsuoiu <<<
事実を曲げる: jijitsuomageru: falsify facts, pervert the truth <<<
事実と成る: jijitsutonaru: come true, come to pass, become a reality <<<
事実上: jijitsujou: as a matter of fact <<<
事実無根の: jijitsumukonnno: unfounded, groundless
事実調査: jijitsuchousa: fact-finding <<< 調査
既成事実: kiseijijitsu: accomplished [established] fact, fait accompli <<< 既成
起訴事実: kisojijitsu: indicted facts <<< 起訴
synonyms: 真実 , 実際


pronunciation: jijuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: chamberlain
侍従長: jijuuchou: Grand Chamberlain <<<
侍従武官: jijuubukan: military assistant, aide-de-camp
related words: 側近

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