Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19
Direct access: 横領 , 応力 , 大分 , 狼男 , 大型 , 大柄 , 大阪 , 大筋 , 大勢 , 大空


pronunciation: ouryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , finance
translation: usurpation, embezzlement
横領する: ouryousuru: usurp, seize upon, embezzle
横領者: ouryousha: usurper <<<
横領罪: ouryouzai: embezzlement <<<
synonyms: 猫糞


pronunciation: ouryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: stress
synonyms: ストレス


pronunciation: ooita, daibu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Oita (prefecture, city), very much, greatly, considerably, remarkably, fairly, rather
大分県: ooitaken: Prefecture of Oita <<<
大分市: ooitashi: City of Oita <<<
大分前に: daibumaeni: long ago <<<
大分遠い: daibutooi: pretty far <<<
related words:


pronunciation: ookamiotoko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: werewolf


pronunciation: oogata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: large size, giant size
大型の: oogatano: large, great, big
related words: 小型


pronunciation: oogara
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body , art
translation: large pattern, large build
大柄な: oogarana: large-patterned, of large build, large-built
related words: 大型


pronunciation: oosaka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Osaka (prefecture, city)
大阪府: oosakahu: Prefecture of Osaka <<<
大阪市: oosakashi: City of Osaka <<<
大阪城: oosakajou: Osaka Castle <<<
大阪湾: oosakawan: Osaka Bay <<<
大阪港: oosakakou: Osaka Harbor <<<
大阪駅: oosakaeki: Osaka Station <<<
新大阪駅: shinoosakaeki: New Osaka Station <<<
大阪大学: oosakadaigaku: Osaka University <<< 大学
related words:


pronunciation: oosuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: outline (n.), sketch
大筋を述べる: oosujionoberu: give an outline (of), outline (v.), sketch, summarize <<<
synonyms: 概要 , 骨組 , 枠組 , 粗筋


pronunciation: oozei
kanji characters: ,
translation: a large [great] number of people, masse of people, large crowd
大勢で: oozeide: in great numbers [force]
大勢の: oozeino: a large [great] number (of ), a host (of), many
大勢の家族: oozeinokazoku: large family <<< 家族
related words: 多数


pronunciation: oozora
kanji characters: ,
keyword: astronomy
translation: (big) sky [skies], heavens, firmament, vault, welkin
大空に: oozorani: in the sky, overhead
related words: 天空

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