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Direct access: 神隠し , 神風 , 髪型 , 神々 , 上期 , 咬み傷 , 神様 , 剃刀 , 神棚 , 過密


pronunciation: kamikakushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: spirit away
神隠しに遭う: kamikakushiniau: be spirited off <<<


pronunciation: kamikaze
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: divine wind, kamikaze
神風特攻隊: kamikazetokkoutai: kamikaze
神風タクシー: kamikazetakushii: kamikaze taxi <<< タクシー
神風ドライバー: kamikazedoraibaa: reckless driver, jehu <<< ドライバー
related words:


pronunciation: kamigata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: hairstyle
髪型を変える: kamigataokaeru: change one's hairstyle <<<


pronunciation: kamigami
kanji characters:
other spells: 神神
keyword: religion
translation: gods (plur.)
神々の黄昏: kamigaminotasogare: Twilight of the Gods (Richard Wagner´s opera, 1876) <<< 黄昏


pronunciation: kamiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: first half of the (fiscal) year
antonyms: 下期


pronunciation: kamikizu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 噛み傷
keyword: animal
translation: bite


pronunciation: kamisama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: dear God, virtuoso, master
神様にお祈りする: kamisamanioinorisuru: pray to dear God <<<
related words: 名人


pronunciation: kamisori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tool
translation: razor
剃刀を当てる: kamisorioateru: shave (v.), have a shave <<<
剃刀を研ぐ: kamisoriotogu: sharpen a razor, strop a razor <<<
剃刀負けする: kamisorimakesuru: have the barber's itch <<<
剃刀の様な: kamisorinoyouna: razor-sharp <<<
剃刀の刃: kamisorinoha: razor wire, razor blade <<<
剃刀砥: kamisoritogi: razor grinder, razorstrop <<<
安全剃刀: anzenkamisori: safety razor <<< 安全
related words: 髭剃


pronunciation: kamidana
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: family altar


pronunciation: kamitsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: tightness
過密な: kamitsuna: tight
過密都市: kamitsutoshi, <<< 都市
過密ダイヤ: kamitsudaiya: tight schedule for railway transportation <<< ダイヤ

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