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Direct access: 渋谷 , 四分 , 紙幣 , 司法 , 四方 , 資本 , 脂肪 , 志望 , 死亡 , 姉妹


pronunciation: shibuya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Shibuya (borough, station)
渋谷区: shibuyaku: Borough of Shibuya (in Tokyo) <<<
渋谷駅: shibuyaeki: Shibuya Station <<<
related words: 東京 ,


pronunciation: shibun, yonhun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: four minutes, quarter (n.)
四分する: shibunsuru: divide (a thing) in four, quarter (v.)
四分の一: shibunnnoichi, yonbunnnoichi: one fourth, a quarter <<<
四分円: shibunnen: quadrant <<<
四分儀: shibungi <<<
四分五裂する: shibungoretsusuru: be disrupted, be torn (up), be split
四分音符: shibunonpu: crotchet, quarter note <<< 音符
四分休符: shibunkyuuhu: crotchet rest, quarter rest


pronunciation: shihei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy , finance
translation: paper money, bank note
紙幣発行: shiheihakkou: issue of bank notes <<< 発行
偽造紙幣: gizoushihei: forged banknote <<< 偽造
ドル紙幣: dorushihei: greenback <<< ドル


pronunciation: shihou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: (administration of) justice
司法の: shihouno: judicial, judiciary, juridical
司法官: shihoukan: judicial officer <<<
司法省: shihoushou: ministry of justice, department of justice <<<
司法権: shihouken: jurisdiction, judicature <<<
司法当局: shihoutoukyoku: judicial authorities <<< 当局
司法警察: shihoukeisatsu: judicial police <<< 警察
司法書士: shihoushoshi: judicial scrivener
司法大臣: shihoudaijin: minister of justice <<< 大臣
司法長官: shihouchoukan: attorney general <<< 長官
司法行政: shihougyousei: judicial administration <<< 行政


pronunciation: shihou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: all sides, all directions, all parts
四方八方: shihouhappou <<< 八方
四方に: shihouni: in all directions
四方から: shihoukara: from all directions
四方山の: yomoyamano: various <<<
四方山話: yomoyamabanashi: various topics [subjects] <<<
四方山話をする: yomoyamabanashiosuru: talk on various topics [subjects] <<<


pronunciation: shihon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance , economy
translation: capital (money), fund
資本を投じる: shihouotoujiru: invest (lay out) one's capital <<<
資本家: shihonka: capitalist, financier <<<
資本金: shihonkin: capital, stock <<<
資本主義: shihonshugi: capitalism <<< 主義
商業資本: shougyoushihon: trading capital <<< 商業
経営資本: keieishihon: working capital <<< 経営
投下資本: toukashihon: invested capital <<< 投下
独占資本: dokusenshihon: monopolistic capital <<< 独占
営業資本: eigyoushihon: working capital <<< 営業
流動資本: ryuudoushihon: circulating [floating] capital <<< 流動
固定資本: koteishihon: fixed capital <<< 固定
運転資本: untenshihon: working fund [capital] <<< 運転
自己資本: jikoshihon: equity capital <<< 自己
金融資本: kinnyuushihon: financial capital <<< 金融
投資資本: toushishihon: investment capital <<< 投資


pronunciation: shibou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , food
translation: fat, grease, lard, suet
脂肪の多い: shibounoooi: fatty, greasy <<<
脂肪性の: shibouseino <<<
脂肪過多: shiboukata: obesity
脂肪太り: shiboubutori <<<
脂肪太りの: shiboubutorino: obese
脂肪が付く: shibougatsuku: put on fat <<<
脂肪分: shiboubun: fat content, fatty substance <<<
脂肪質: shiboushitsu <<< , 脂質
脂肪酸: shibousan: fatty acid <<<
脂肪組織: shibousoshiki: adipose tissue <<< 組織
related words: 蛋白 , 澱粉


pronunciation: shibou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: wish (n.), desire, aspiration
志望する: shibousuru: wish (v.), desire, aspire to
志望者: shibousha: applicant (for), candidate (for) <<<
志望校: shiboukou: school of one's choice <<<
志望学科: shibougakka: desired course <<< 学科
related words: 志願


pronunciation: shibou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: death
死亡する: shibousuru: die, decease
死亡者: shibousha: dead (person) <<<
死亡者名簿: shiboushameibo: obituary column, death list
死亡率: shibouritsu: death rate <<<
死亡数: shibousuu: death toll, number of deaths, fatalities <<<
死亡届: shiboutodoke: death notice [report], notice of death <<<
死亡欄: shibouran: obituary notice <<<
死亡記事: shiboukiji <<< 記事
死亡広告: shiboukoukoku: announcement of death <<< 広告
死亡通知: shiboutsuuchi <<< 通知
死亡統計: shiboutoukei: statistics of mortality <<< 統計
死亡証明: shiboushoumei: death certificate <<< 証明
死亡診断書: shiboushindansho
事故死亡: jikoshibou: accidental death <<< 事故
synonyms: 物故


pronunciation: shimai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: sisters
姉妹の様な: shimainoyouna: sisterly <<<
姉妹艦: shimaikan: sister ship <<<
姉妹船: shimaisen <<<
姉妹校: shimaikou: sister school <<<
姉妹編: shimaihen: companion volume <<<
姉妹会社: shimaigaisha: sister [affiliated] company <<< 会社
姉妹都市: shimaitoshi: sister city <<< 都市
三姉妹: sanshimai: three sisters (a Japanese TV drama) <<<
従姉妹: itoko: cousin (female) <<<
十姉妹: juushimatsu: Bengalese finch, society finch <<<
双子の姉妹: hutagonoshimai: twin sisters <<< 双子
義理の姉妹: girinoshimai: sister-in-law, stepsister <<< 義理
related words: 兄弟

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