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Direct access: 借家 , 芍薬 , 借用 , 斜頸 , 車検 , 射撃 , 車庫 , 社交 , 社債 , 射殺


pronunciation: shakuya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: rented [hired] house
借家する: shakuyasuru: rent [hire] a house
借家人: shakuyanin: tenant, house-renter <<< , テナント


pronunciation: shakuyaku
kanji characters:
other spells: シャクヤク
keyword: flower
translation: Chinese peony
related words: 牡丹


pronunciation: shakuyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: borrow (n.)
借用する: shakuyousuru: borrow (v.), have the loan of
借用証書: shakuyoushousho: bond of debt, IWU. (I owe you) <<< 証書
借用証: shakuyoushou <<<
無断で借用する: mudandeshakuyousuru: borrow without asking <<< 無断


pronunciation: shakei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: torticollis, wryneck


pronunciation: shaken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: official checkout of a car
車検証: shakenshou: certificate of an official car checkout <<<


pronunciation: shageki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: shooting, firing
射撃する: shagekisuru: shoot (v.), fire (at, upon)
射撃場: shagekijou: shooting [firing] range <<<
射撃術: shagekijutsu: marksmanship <<<
射撃手: shagekishu: shooter <<<
射撃兵: shagekihei: rifleman <<<
射撃演習: shagekienshuu: shooting practice, field firing <<< 演習
射撃競技: shagekikyougi: shooting competition <<< 競技
小銃射撃: shoujuushageki: rifle shot <<< 小銃
援護射撃: engoshageki: covering fire [barrage] <<< 援護
一斉射撃: isseishageki: volley <<< 一斉
一斉射撃する: isseishagekisuru: fire a volley <<< 一斉
実弾射撃: jitsudanshageki: ball firing <<< 実弾


pronunciation: shako
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car , transport
translation: garage, car shed, car barn
車庫に入れる: shakoniireru: garage (a car), put into a car shed <<<
機関車庫: kikanshako: engine house, roundhouse <<< 機関
電車車庫: denshashako: tram shed, car barn <<< 電車
related words: ガレージ


pronunciation: shakou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: social intercourse, society
社交的: shakouteki: sociable, outgoing, sleek <<<
社交人: shakoujin: sociable person <<<
社交家: shakouka <<<
社交界: shakoukai: high society <<<
社交界の: shakoukaino: society (a.)
社交会: shakoukai: social party <<<
社交性: shakousei: sociability <<<
社交術: shakoujutsu: art of social intercourse <<<
社交室: shakoushitsu: lounge, saloon <<<
社交服: shakouhuku: evening dress, formal dress <<<
社交ダンス: shakoudansu: social dance <<< ダンス
社交クラブ: shakoukurabu: social club <<< クラブ
synonyms: 交際


pronunciation: shasai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: debenture, bonds
社債を発行する: shasaiohakkousuru: issue bonds <<< 発行
記名社債: kimeishasai: registered debenture <<< 記名
短期社債: tankishasai: short-term debenture <<< 短期
長期社債: choukishasai: long-term debenture <<< 長期
転換社債: tenkanshasai: convertible bond, CB <<< 転換
related words: 証券 , 国債


pronunciation: shasatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: shooting to death
射殺する: shasatsusuru: shoot (a person) dead [to death]

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