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Direct access: 厄介 , 薬莢 , 薬局 , 雇人 , 雇主 , 野党 , 宿木 , 屋根 , 矢張 , 野蛮


pronunciation: yakkai
kanji characters: ,
translation: trouble, burden, bother
厄介な: yakkaina: troublesome, burdensome, annoying
厄介がる: yakkaigaru: find [consider] (a matter) troublesome
厄介を掛ける: yakkaiokakeru: give (a person) trouble <<<
厄介に成る: yakkaininaru: depend [be dependent] on a person, live on [with] a person <<<
厄介事: yakkaigoto: trouble (affair), nuisance, difficulty <<<
厄介者: yakkaimono: burden (person), dependent, hanger-on <<<
厄介払いをする: yakkaibaraiosuru: get ride of a nuisance <<<
synonyms: 迷惑 , 苦労 , 世話


pronunciation: yakkyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: cartridge case


pronunciation: yakkyoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug
translation: pharmacy, drugstore, chemist's shop, medicine room, pharmacist's office
薬局方: yakkyokuhou: pharmacopoeia <<<
related words: 薬屋


pronunciation: yatoinin
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 雇い人
keyword: job
translation: employee, servant, hired man [woman]
synonyms: 下男
antonyms: 雇主


pronunciation: yatoinushi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 雇い主
keyword: job
translation: employer, master
雇主の: yatoinushino: employer's
antonyms: 雇人


pronunciation: yatou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: opposition party
related words: 与党


pronunciation: yadorigi
kanji characters: 宿 ,
other spells: 宿り木
keyword: plant
translation: mistletoe, parasite plant


pronunciation: yane
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , construction
translation: roof
屋根瓦: yanegawara: roof tile <<<
屋根板: yaneita: shingle <<<
屋根屋: yaneya: roofer, thatcher <<<
屋根裏: yaneura: attic, garret <<<
屋根裏部屋: yaneurabeya <<< 部屋
屋根窓: yanemado: roof window, attic window, rooflight, skylight <<<
切妻屋根: kiriZumayane: gable [gabled, pitched, saddle] roof <<< 切妻
蒲鉾屋根: kamabokoyane: barrel [wagon] vault <<< 蒲鉾
草葺屋根: kusabukiyane: thatched [straw-thatched] roof <<< 草葺
スレートの屋根: sureetonoyane: slate roof <<< スレート
トタン屋根: totannyane: zinc roof <<< トタン
related words: 屋上


pronunciation: yahari, yappari
kanji characters: ,
translation: also, too, either, neither, still, none the less, after all
related words: 結局


pronunciation: yaban
kanji characters: ,
translation: barbarianism, barbarity
野蛮な: yabannna: barbarous, savage (a.), uncivilized, wild
野蛮人: yabanjin: barbarian, savage (n.) <<<
野蛮な行為: yabannnakoui: barbarous act, barbarity <<< 行為
野蛮な振舞: yabannnahurumai: barbarous behavior

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