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Direct access: 不幸 , 不孝 , 富豪 , 符号 , 負債 , 不作 , 不在 , 不死 , 不思議 , 節目


pronunciation: hukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: misfortune, unhappiness, ill luck, disaster
不幸な: hukouna: unhappy, unfortunate, unlucky, miserable
不幸にも: hukounimo: unfortunately, unluckily
不幸続き: hukoutsuZuki: a spell of bad luck <<<
不幸に生まれ付く: hukouniumaretsuku: be born under an unlucky star
related words: 災難


pronunciation: hukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: undutifulness (to one's parents), want to filial piety
不孝な: hukouna: undutiful, unfilial, disobedient
親不孝: oyahukou: undutifulness to one's parents <<<
antonyms: 孝行


pronunciation: hugou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: wealthy man, millionaire, billionaire
大富豪: daihugou: mogul, multimillionaire <<<
related words: 長者 , 成金


pronunciation: hugou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: mark (n.), sign, symbol, cipher
符号を付ける: hugouotsukeru: mark (v.) <<<
符号で書く: hugoudekaku: write in cipher <<<
モールス符号: moorusuhugou: Morse code <<< モールス
synonyms: 記号 , 暗号


pronunciation: husai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: debt, liability, indebtedness
負債者: husaisha: debtor <<<
多額の負債: tagakunohusai: a large sum [amount] of debts <<< 多額
資産と負債: shisantohusai: assets and liabilities <<< 資産
related words: 借金


pronunciation: husaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: bad [poor] harvest [crop]
不作の年: husakunotoshi: lean year <<<
related words: 豊作


pronunciation: huzai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: absence
不在の: huzaino: absent, out, away from home
不在地主: huzaijinushi: absentee landlord
不在証明: huzaishoumei: alibi <<< 証明 , アリバイ
不在投票: huzaitouhyou: absentee voting [ballot] <<< 投票
related words: 欠席


pronunciation: hushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy , life
translation: immortality
不死の: hushino: undying, immortal
不死鳥: hushichou: phoenix <<< , フェニックス
不死身: hujimi: undying (man) <<<
related words: 不滅


pronunciation: hushigi
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: strangeness, mystery, miracle, wonder, marvel
不思議な: hushigina: strange, mysterious, miraculous, wonderful, marvelous
不思議な事に: hushiginakotoni: strange to say, strangely enough <<<
不思議に思う: hushiginiomou: marvel [wonder] at <<<
七不思議: nanahushigi: seven wonders <<<
related words: 奇異 , 奇妙 , ミステリー


pronunciation: hushime
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: turning point
synonyms: 転機

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