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Direct access: 縁組 , 円形 , 園芸 , 演劇 , 怨恨 , 援護 , 塩酸 , 冤罪 , 遠視 , 円周


pronunciation: engumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: match, marriage, matrimonial union [alliance]
縁組する: engumisuru: contract a marriage (with), marry (him, into a family)
養子縁組: youshiengumi: adoption <<< 養子
related words: 結婚 , 縁談


pronunciation: enkei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: circle
円形の: enkeino: round, circular
円形窓: enkeimado: rose window, rosette <<<
円形動物: enkeidoubutsu: nematodes, roundworms <<< 動物
円形競技場: enkeikyougijou: Colosseum, amphitheater
円形脱毛症: enkeidatsumoushou: circular loss of hair, alopecia areata


pronunciation: engei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower , farming
translation: horticulture, gardening
園芸の: engeino: garden (a.), gardening
園芸家: engeika: gardener, horticulturist <<<
園芸植物: engeishokubutsu: garden plant <<< 植物
園芸用具: engeiyougu: gardening tools <<< 用具


pronunciation: engeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: play, drama, theatrical [dramatic] performance
演劇をする: engekiosuru: give [present] a play
演劇界: engekikai: theatrical world <<<
演劇部: engekibu: theatrical club <<<
演劇論: engekiron: dramaturgy <<<
演劇学校: engekigakkou: drama school <<< 学校
related words: ドラマ


pronunciation: enkon
kanji characters: ,
translation: grievance, rancor
怨恨を抱く: enkonnoidaku: have [harbor, nurse] a grievance (against) <<<


pronunciation: engo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: backing, support, protection
援護する: engosuru: back up, support, give support, protect
援護射撃: engoshageki: covering fire [barrage] <<< 射撃
related words: 保護


pronunciation: ensan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: hydrochloric acid
塩酸カリ: ensankari: potassium chlorate <<< カリ


pronunciation: enzai
kanji characters:
keyword: justice
translation: false charge [accusation]
冤罪を被る: enzaiokoumuru: be falsely charged (with), be unduly accused (of) <<<


pronunciation: enshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: long sight, long-sightedness, hypermetropia
遠視の: enshino: longsighted, hypermetropic
遠視眼鏡: enshigankyou: glasses for the longsighted <<< 眼鏡
related words: 近視


pronunciation: enshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: circumference
円周率: enshuuritsu: circular constant, pi <<<
円周角: enshuukaku: inscribed angle <<<
related words: パイ

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