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Direct access: 振替 , 振掛 , 振子 , 振込 , 振袖 , 振出 , 振付 , 不慮 , 不良 , 不倫


pronunciation: hurikae
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 振り替
keyword: bank
translation: change (n.), transfer
振替える: hurikaeru: change (a bill), bank transfer
振替為替: hurikaekawase: postal check [cheque] <<< 為替
振替口座: hurikaekouza: giro account <<< 口座


pronunciation: hurikake
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 振り掛
keyword: food
translation: seasoned powder for sprinkling over rice
振掛ける: hurikakeru: sprinkle over, spatter


pronunciation: huriko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 振り子
keyword: mechanics
translation: pendulum, bob
振子運動: hurikoundou: pendular movement, pendulum motion <<< 運動
振子時計: hurikodokei: pendulum clock <<< 時計


pronunciation: hurikomi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 振り込
keyword: bank
translation: bank (credit) transfer, wire transfer
振込む: hurikomu: transfer to a (person's) bank account
振込先: hurikomisaki: account to which money to be transferred, beneficiary (of a bank transfer) <<<
振込詐欺: hurikomisagi: bank transfer fraud <<< 詐欺
自動振込: jidouhurikomi: permanent payment order <<< 自動
銀行振込: ginkouhurikomi: (pay by) bank transfer, pay into a person's bank account <<< 銀行
related words: 振出


pronunciation: hurisode
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: long-sleeved kimono
related words: 着物


pronunciation: huridashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 振り出
keyword: bank
translation: start, starting point, throw, drawing, issue
振出す: huridasu: shake out, draw (a bill), remit
振出に戻る: huridashinimodoru: make a new start <<<
振出地: huridashichi: place of issue <<<
振出人: huridashinin: drawer (of a bill), remitter (of a money order) <<<
振出手形: huridashitegata: bill of exchange <<< 手形
為替を振出す: kawaseohuridasu: draw a money order <<< 為替
小切手振出: kogittehuridashi: check drawing <<< 小切手
related words: 振込


pronunciation: huritsuke
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 振り付
keyword: dance
translation: arrangement of a dance, choreography
振付する: huritsukesuru: design dancing postures, arrange dances, choreograph (v.)
振付師: huritsukeshi: choreographer, dance director <<<


pronunciation: huryo
kanji characters: ,
translation: unexpectedness, suddenness
不慮の: huryono: unexpected, unlocked-for, accidental, sudden
不慮の死を遂げる: huryonoshiotogeru: meet with an untimely death
不慮の出来事: huryonodekigoto: accident, unforeseen event


pronunciation: huryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , finance
translation: defectiveness, delinquency
不良の: huryouno: defective, bad, delinquent
不良な: huryouna
不良に成る: huryouninaru: go to the bad, be degraded, become delinquent <<<
不良品: huryouhin: rejected article, defective product <<<
不良化: huryouka: decadence, decay, degeneracy, degeneration <<<
不良少女: huryoushoujo: delinquent girl <<< 少女
不良少年: huryoushounen: delinquent boy, juvenile delinquent <<< 少年
不良債権: huryousaiken: doubtful debt <<< 債権
不良投資: huryoutoushi: bad investment <<< 投資
消化不良: shoukahuryou: indigestion, dyspepsia <<< 消化
整備不良: seibihuryou: bad maintenance <<< 整備
栄養不良: eiyouhuryou: malnutrition, undernourishment <<< 栄養


pronunciation: hurin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love , crime
translation: immorality, adultery, extramarital affair
不倫な: hurinnna: immoral (conduct), illicit (love), sinful, incestuous
不倫の: hurinnno
不倫の愛: hurinnnoai: incestuous love <<<
不倫な行いをする: hurinnnaokonaiosuru: misconduct oneself <<<
不倫な行為をする: hurinnnakouiosuru <<< 行為
related words: 浮気 , 姦通

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