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Direct access: 季刊 , 期間 , 器官 , 帰還 , 飢餓 , 危害 , 着替 , 気兼 , 気軽 , 祈願


pronunciation: kikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: quarterly publication
季刊の: kikannno: quarterly
季刊誌: kikanshi: quartely magazine <<<
季刊雑誌: kikanzasshi <<< 雑誌
related words: 月刊 , 週刊


pronunciation: kikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: period, duration, term
期間を置く: kikannooku: put a period, set a term <<<
期間中: kikanchuu: within a period <<<
期間延長: kikannenchou: extension of period <<< 延長
期間を延長する: kikannoenchousuru: extend a period
継続期間: keizokukikan: continuance, period of duration <<< 継続
訓練期間: kunrenkikan: training period <<< 訓練
契約期間: keiyakukikan: period of contract <<< 契約
免疫期間: mennekikikan: period of immunity <<< 免疫
保存期間: hozonkikan: shelf life <<< 保存
冷却期間: reikyakukikan: cooling-off period <<< 冷却
時効期間: jikoukikan: limitation period, statute of limitation <<< 時効
持続期間: jizokukikan: duration <<< 持続
妊娠期間: ninshinkikan: period of pregnancy, gestation period <<< 妊娠
一定の期間: itteinokikan: for a given period of time <<< 一定
滞在期間: taizaikikan: length of one's stay <<< 滞在
有効期間: yuukoukikan: term of validity <<< 有効
猶予期間: yuuyokikan: period [days] of grace <<< 猶予
見習期間: minaraikikan: probationary period <<< 見習
修業期間: shuugyoukikan: school years <<< 修業
synonyms: 期限


pronunciation: kikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: organ
感覚器官: kankakukikan: sense organ <<< 感覚
発音器官: hatsuonkikan: vocal organs <<< 発音
味覚器官: mikakukikan: gustatory organ <<< 味覚
分泌器官: bunpitsukikan: secretory organ <<< 分泌
排泄器官: haisetsukikan: excretory organ <<< 排泄
退化器官: taikakikan: reduced organ <<< 退化
related words: 気管


pronunciation: kikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: return (n.)
帰還する: kikansuru: return back
帰還者: kikansha: returnee, repatriate <<<
帰還兵: kikanhei: returned soldier <<<
帰還本能: kikanhonnnou: homing instinct <<< 本能
帰還コイル: kikankoiru: reaction coil <<< コイル


pronunciation: kiga
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: hunger, starvation
飢餓に瀕する: kiganihinsuru: be starving, be on the verge [brink] of starvation <<<
飢餓民: kigamin: starvelings <<<


pronunciation: kigai
kanji characters: ,
translation: harm, injury
危害を加える: kigaiokuwaeru: inflict an injury (on), do harm (to), do (a person) harm <<<
危害を免れる: kigaiomanugareru: escape unhurt, keep out of harm's way <<<


pronunciation: kigae
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: spare clothing [suits], change of clothes
着替える: kigaeru: change one's clothes, dress (for dinner)
着替えする: kigaesuru
着替え所: kigaesho: dressing room <<<
related words: 更衣


pronunciation: kigane
kanji characters: ,
translation: reserve, hesitation, inhibition, constraint
気兼する: kiganesuru: be afraid of giving trouble (to), feel some constraint, have a regard for a person's feelings, be [feel] ill at ease
気兼無しに: kiganenashini: without reserve <<<
気兼せずに: kiganesezuni
気兼しないで: kiganeshinaide
気兼しないで下さい: kiganeshinaidekudasai: don't mind me, don't put yourself out for me <<<
related words: 遠慮


pronunciation: kigaru
kanji characters: ,
translation: light heart, cheerfulness, casualness
気軽な: kigaruna: lighthearted, cheerful, buoyant, casual, informal
気軽に: kigaruni: with a light heart, readily, free from worry [care]
synonyms: 気楽


pronunciation: kigan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: prayer, supplication
祈願する: kigansuru: pray (for), offer a prayer (to)

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