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Direct access: 美人 , 美談 , 備蓄 , 吃驚 , 美点 , 美男 , 微熱 , 備品 , 美貌 , 美味


pronunciation: bijin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: beauty, belle, beautiful woman, girl
美人な: bijinnna: beautiful, pretty
美人投票: bijintouhyou: beauty [pageantry] contest <<< 投票
美人コンテスト: bijinkontesuto <<< コンテスト
水着美人: mizugibijin: bathing beauty <<< 水着
八方美人: happoubijin: everybody's friend <<< 八方
絶世の美人: zesseinobijin: woman of peerless beauty, the fairest of the fair <<< 絶世
related words: 美女


pronunciation: bidan
kanji characters: ,
translation: beautiful [laudable] story [episode]


pronunciation: bichiku
kanji characters: ,
translation: stockpile
備蓄する: bichikusuru: save for emergency


pronunciation: bikkuri
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 喫驚, ビックリ
translation: surprise (n.), astonishment
吃驚する: bikkurisuru: be surprised [astonished, amazed] (at), be frightened
吃驚して: bikkurishite: in surprise [astonishment]
吃驚させる: bikkurisaseru: astonish, surprise (v.)
吃驚箱: bikkuribako: surprise box, jack-in-the-box <<<
synonyms: 驚愕


pronunciation: biten
kanji characters: ,
translation: good quality, merit, virtue
synonyms: 長所 , メリット


pronunciation: binan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: handsome man
美男子: binanshi: handsome boy <<<
美男美女: binanbijo: handsome man and beautiful woman <<< 美女
related words: 男前 , ハンサム


pronunciation: binetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: slight fever
微熱が有る: binetsugaaru: have a slight fever <<<


pronunciation: bihin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: fixtures, equipments, fittings
related words: 家具


pronunciation: bibou
kanji characters:
keyword: beauty
translation: personal beauty, good [attractive] looks, beautiful face
美貌の: bibouno: beautiful, good-looking, handsome


pronunciation: bimi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: good flavor, deliciousness, relish, delicacy, dainty rich diet
美味な: bimina: delicious, nice, tasty
美味しい: oishii: sweet, tasty, delicious, palatable
美味しそう: oishisou: appetizing
antonyms: 不味
related words: 旨味

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