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Direct access: 並木 , 波路 , 波乗り , 蛞蝓 , 滑子 , 納屋 , 奈良 , 奈落 , 成金 , 成田


pronunciation: namiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: row of trees, roadside trees
並木道: namikimichi: street lined with trees, boulevard, avenue <<<
ポプラ並木: popuranamiki: raw of poplar trees <<< ポプラ


pronunciation: namiji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: seaway, maritime route, ocean route, sea route
波路遥かに: namijiharukani: far out in the ocean <<<


pronunciation: naminori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: surfing, surf riding
波乗りをする: naminoriosuru: surf (v.), ride on the surf
波乗り板: naminoriita: surfboard <<<
related words: サーフ , サーフィン


pronunciation: namekuji
other spells: ナメクジ
keyword: mollusk
translation: slug
related words: 蝸牛


pronunciation: nameko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ナメコ
keyword: vegetable
translation: nameko mushroom


pronunciation: naya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: barn, shed, outhouse


pronunciation: nara
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Nara
奈良県: naraken: Prefecture of Nara <<<
奈良市: narashi: City of Nara <<<
奈良大仏: naradaibutsu: Great Buddha of Nara <<< 大仏
related words:


pronunciation: naraku
kanji characters: ,
translation: hell, bottomless pit, precipice, trap cellar, mezzanine
奈落の底: narakunosoko: abyss, abysm, bottomless pit <<<


pronunciation: narikin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: new rich, nouveau riche, moneyed upstart, overnight millionaire
成金趣味: narikinshumi: interests [taste] of newly rich <<< 趣味
泥棒成金: dorobounarikin: To Catch a Thief (an American film by Alfred Hitchcock, 1955) <<< 泥棒


pronunciation: narita
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Narita (City, Temple, Airport)
成田市: naritashi: City of Narita <<<
成田山: naritasan: Narita [Naritasan] Temple <<<
成田不動: naritahudou <<< 不動
成田線: naritasen: Narita Line (railway which connects Sakura with Choshi in Chiba) <<<
成田空港: naritakuukou: Narita Airport <<< 空港
成田飛行場: naritahikoujou
成田エックスプレス: naritaekkusupuresu: Narita Express (express train which connects Tokyo with Narita Airport)
related words:

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