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Direct access: 奥様 , 屋上 , 憶測 , 奥手 , 屋内 , 奥歯 , 臆病 , 御悔み , 奥行 , 贈物


pronunciation: okusama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: Madame, Mrs., Lady
奥様は魔女: okusamawamajo: Bewitched (US TV series, 1964-1972) <<< 魔女
related words: 夫人


pronunciation: okujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , construction
translation: roof, rooftop
屋上で: okujoude: on the roof
屋上庭園: okujouteien: roof garden <<< 庭園
屋上屋を重ねる: okujouokuokasaneru: paint the lily
屋上屋を架す: okujouokuokasu
related words: 屋根


pronunciation: okusoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: conjecture, assumption, hypothesis
憶測する: okusokusuru: make a conjecture
憶測を立てる: okusokuotateru <<<


pronunciation: okute
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 晩稲
keyword: cereal
translation: late rice, late crops
奥手の: okuteno: late
antonyms: 早稲


pronunciation: okunai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , job
translation: inside of a house
屋内の: okunaino: indoor
屋内で: okunaide: indoors
屋内勤務: okunaikinmu: indoor service <<< 勤務
屋内労働: okunairoudou: indoor labor <<< 労働
屋内遊戯: okunaiyuugi: indoor games <<< 遊戯
屋内体操場: okunaitaisoujou: gymnasium, gym <<< ジム
屋内運動場: okunaiundoujou
屋内スポーツ: okunaisupootsu: indoor sport <<< スポーツ
屋内プール: okunaipuuru: indoor pool <<< プール
related words: 屋外 , 室内


pronunciation: okuba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: back tooth, molar (tooth), grinder
奥歯に挟まる: okubanihasamaru: stick between the molars <<<
奥歯に物が挟まった言い方をする: okubanimonogahasamattaiikataosuru: talk as if one were concealing something, do not speak frankly
奥歯に物が挟まった様な話し方をする: okubanimonogahasamattayounahanashikataosuru


pronunciation: okubyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: cowardice, timidity
臆病な: okubyouna: cowardly, timid
臆病者: okubyoumono: coward <<< , 弱虫
臆病風に吹かれる: okubyoukazenihukareru: lose one's nerve, get wet feet


pronunciation: okuyami
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 御悔やみ, お悔やみ
keyword: death
translation: condolences, commiseration
御悔みを言う: okuyamioiu: express one's condolences <<<
御悔み申し上げます: okuyamimoushiagemasu: Please accept my [our] sincere condolences
御悔み状: okuyamijou: condolence letter <<<
synonyms: 弔辞


pronunciation: okuyuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: depth
奥行の有る: okuyukinoaru: deep, profound <<<


pronunciation: okurimono
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 贈り物
keyword: love
translation: gift, present, tribute
贈物をする: okurimonoosuru: give a gift, present
related words: 贈呈 , 土産 , プレゼント , ギフト

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