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Direct access: 法的 , 法典 , 放電 , 報道 , 褒美 , 抱負 , 豊富 , 報復 , 方便 , 方法


pronunciation: houteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: legal
法的な: houtekina
法的根拠: houtekikonkyo: legal basis <<< 根拠
法的意識: houtekiishiki: sense of right and wrong <<< 意識


pronunciation: houten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: code, statute, codex
法典編纂: houtenhensan: codification


pronunciation: houden
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: discharge
放電する: houdensuru: discharge electricity
放電子: houdenshi: discharger <<<
火花放電: hibanahouden: spark discharge <<< 火花
アーク放電: aakuhouden: electric arc <<< アーク


pronunciation: houdou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: news, report, press, communication
報道する: houdousuru: report, inform, communicate
報道界: houdoukai: journalism <<<
報道者: houdousha: reporter <<<
報道員: houdouin <<<
報道陣: houdoujin: news front, reportorial camp <<<
報道班: houdouhan: press corps <<<
報道の自由: houdounojiyuu: freedom of press <<< 自由
報道規制: houdoukisei: press control <<< 規制
報道管制: houdoukansei: gagging order
報道機関: houdoukikan: news organization <<< 機関


pronunciation: houbi
kanji characters: ,
translation: prize, reward
褒美を貰う: houbiomorau: be rewarded <<<
褒美を得る: houbioeru <<<
褒美を与える: houbioataeru: give (a thing) as a prize, reward (a person) with <<<
褒美を授ける: houbiosazukeru <<<
related words:


pronunciation: houhu
kanji characters: ,
translation: aspiration, ambition
抱負を語る: houhuokataru: express one's ambitions, hopes <<<
抱負を述べる: houhuonoberu <<<
抱負を抱く: houhuoidaku: have an ambition to <<<


pronunciation: houhu
kanji characters: ,
translation: abundance, richness, exuberance, exuberancy
豊富な: houhuna: rich, abundant, ample, aplenty, rife
豊富に: houhuni: abundantly, amply
豊富にする: houhunisuru: enrich
語彙が豊富な: goigahouhuna: have a rich vocabulary <<< 語彙


pronunciation: houhuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: retaliation, revenge, reprisal
報復する: houhukusuru: retaliate upon (a person), revenge on (a person) for
報復攻撃: houhukukougeki: retaliatory attack <<< 攻撃
報復主義: houhukushugi: revanchism <<< 主義
報復主義者: houhukushugisha: revanchist <<<
報復手段: houhukushudan: retaliatory measure <<< 手段
報復爆撃: houhukubakugeki: reprisal bombing <<< 爆撃
related words: 復讐


pronunciation: houben
kanji characters: , 便
translation: expedient, shift, instrument, means
嘘も方便: usomohouben: The end justifies the means, Circumstances justify a lie <<<
related words: 方法


pronunciation: houhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: philosophy
translation: way, method, means, manner
方法論: houhouron: methodology, paradigm <<< , パラダイム
支払方法: shiharaihouhou: payment method, mode of payment, method of payment <<< 支払
研究方法: kenkyuuhouhou: method of study [research], methodology <<< 研究
synonyms: 手段

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