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Direct access: 食品 , 植物 , 植民 , 職務 , 食欲 , 食糧 , 食料 , 職歴 , 処刑 , 所見


pronunciation: shokuhin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: foods, foodstuff
食品店: shokuhinten: grocer's shop, grocery store <<<
食品法: shokuhinhou: food law, food legislation <<<
食品売場: shokuhinnuriba: grocery department <<< 売場
食品工業: shokuhinkougyou: food industry <<< 工業
食品加工: shokuhinkakou: food processing <<< 加工
食品工場: shokuhinkoujou: food processing plant <<< 工場
食品衛生: shokuhinneisei: food hygiene <<< 衛生
加工食品: kakoushokuhin: processed foods <<< 加工
強化食品: kyoukashokuhin: enriched foods <<< 強化
冷凍食品: reitoushokuhin: refrigerated [frozen] food <<< 冷凍
嘘吐き食品: usotsukishokuhin: adulterated food <<< 嘘吐き
健康食品: kenkoushokuhin: healthy food <<< 健康
インスタント食品: insutantoshokuhin: instant [precooked, convenience] food <<< インスタント
ダイエット食品: daiettoshokuhin: dietetic food <<< ダイエット
レトルト食品: retorutoshokuhin: retort food (food packaged in retort pouch) <<< レトルト
synonyms: 食料


pronunciation: shokubutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant , biology
translation: plant, vegetable, vegetation
植物の: shokubutsuno: vegetarian, vegetable, plant-based, botanical
植物性: shokubutsusei: vegetarian, vegetable, plant-based, vegetative <<<
植物油: shokubutsuyu: plant [vegetable] oil <<<
植物園: shokubutsuen: botanical garden <<<
植物界: shokubutsukai: vegetable kingdom <<<
植物学: shokubutsugaku: botany <<<
植物学者: shokubutsugakusha: botanist <<< 学者
植物標本: shokubutsuhyouhon: botanical specimen <<< 標本
植物採取: shokubutsusaishu: plant collection <<< 採取
植物採集: shokubutsusaishuu <<< 採集
植物人間: shokubutsuningen: person in a vegetative state, gork <<< 人間
植物栽培: shokubutsusaibai: plant breeding <<< 栽培
室内植物: shitsunaishokubutsu: house plant <<< 室内
種子植物: shushishokubutsu: spermatophyte <<< 種子
繊維植物: sennishokubutsu: fiber plant <<< 繊維
食虫植物: shokuchuushokubutsu: insectivorous plant <<< 食虫
帰化植物: kikashokubutsu: naturalized plant <<< 帰化
寄生植物: kiseishokubutsu: parasitic plant <<< 寄生
薬用植物: yakuyoushokubutsu: medicinal herb [plant] <<< 薬用
園芸植物: engeishokubutsu: garden plant <<< 園芸
海底植物: kaiteishokubutsu: sea-bottom plants <<< 海底
観賞植物: kanshoushokubutsu: ornamental [garden] plant <<< 観賞
外来植物: gairaishokubutsu: exotic plant <<< 外来
球根植物: kyuukonshokubutsu: bulbous plant <<< 球根
原生植物: genseishokubutsu: protophyte, thallophyte <<< 原生
肉食植物: nikushokushokubutsu: carnivorous plant <<< 肉食
高山植物: kouzanshokubutsu: alpine plant [flora] <<< 高山
温室植物: onshitsushokubutsu: hothouse plant <<< 温室
野生植物: yaseishokubutsu: wild plant <<< 野生
寒帯植物: kantaishokubutsu: polar plant <<< 寒帯
熱帯植物: nettaishokubutsu: tropical plant [flora] <<< 熱帯
antonyms: 動物


pronunciation: shokumin
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 殖民
keyword: geography , history
translation: colonization, settlement
植民する: shokuminsuru: colonize
植民地: shokuminchi: colony <<<
植民地的: shokuminchiteki: colonial <<<
植民地風: shokuminchihuu <<<
旧植民地: kyuushokuminchi: former colony <<<
植民地化: shokuminchika: colonization <<<
植民地化する: shokuminchikasuru: colonize <<<
植民地政策: shokuminchiseisaku: colonial policy <<< 政策
植民地戦争: shokuminchisensou: colonial war <<< 戦争
植民地時代: shokuminchijidai: colonial epoch <<< 時代
植民地主義: shokuminchishugi: colonialism <<< 主義
新植民地主義: shinshokuminchishugi: neocolonialism <<<
synonyms: 開拓
related words: 移住


pronunciation: shokumu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: job, work, duties
職務を全うする: shokumuomattousuru: discharge [perform] one's duties <<<
職務を執行する: shokumuoshikkousuru <<< 執行
職務を守る: shokumuomamoru: be faithful to one's duties <<<
職務を怠る: shokumuookotaru: neglect one's duty <<<
職務上の: shokumujouno: official <<<
職務上: shokumujou: officially, as a matter of duty
職務質問: shokumushitsumon: police checkup <<< 質問
職務質問される: shokumushitsumonsareru: be questioned by a policeman
職務規定: shokumukitei: office regulations [instructions], work rules <<< 規定
職務心得: shokumukokoroe <<< 心得
職務遂行: shokumusuikou: performance of one's duties <<< 遂行
職務怠慢: shokumutaiman: neglect of one's duties <<< 怠慢
職務手当: shokumuteate: allowance attached to a post <<< 手当
職務妨害: shokumubougai: interference with a person's duty <<< 妨害
職務を妨害する: shokumuobougaisuru: obstruct a person's duty
related words: 仕事 , 義務


pronunciation: shokuyoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: appetite
食欲が有る: shokuyokugaaru: have a good appetite <<<
食欲が無い: shokuyokuganai: have a poor appetite <<<
食欲をそそる: shokushokuososoru: stimulate [arouse, excite] one's appetite
食欲を削ぐ: shokuyokuosogu: spoil one's appetite <<<
食欲が出る: shokuyokugaderu: One's appetite improves <<<
食欲が増進する: shokushokugazoushinsuru <<< 増進
食欲減退: shokuyokugentai: loss [lack] of appetite, anorexia
食欲不振: shokuyokuhushin <<< 不振


pronunciation: shokuryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: food, rations, provision
食糧不足: shokuryoubusoku: food shortage <<< 不足
食糧の欠乏: shokuryounoketsubou <<< 欠乏
食糧管理: shokuryoukanri: food control <<< 管理
食糧問題: shokuryoumondai: food problem <<< 問題
食糧補給: shokuryouhokyuu: (food) resupplying <<< 補給
食糧事情: shokuryoujijou: food situation <<< 事情
related words: 食料 , 食品


pronunciation: shokuryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: food
食料品: shokuryouhin: food article, foodstuffs, groceries <<<
食料品店: shokuryouhinten: grocery store, grocer's store <<<
synonyms: 食品 , 食物
related words: 食糧


pronunciation: shokureki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: one's business [working] experience [career]


pronunciation: shokei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: execution
処刑する: shokeisuru: execute
処刑台: shokeidai: scaffold, gallows <<<
related words: 死刑


pronunciation: shoken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: one's view [opinion], one's impressions (of)
所見を述べる: shokennonoberu: give one's view (on a subject) <<<

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