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Direct access: 書庫 , 書斎 , 所在 , 初秋 , 初心 , 所持 , 初旬 , 処女 , 書籍 , 所詮


pronunciation: shoko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: library (room), stack room
related words: 本箱


pronunciation: shosai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: study room, library
書斎の人: shosainohito: man of the study <<<
書斎に籠る: shosainikomoru: shut oneself up [be confined] in his study room <<<


pronunciation: shozai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: one's whereabouts, location, position
所在地: shozaichi: seat <<<
所在を晦ます: shozaiokuramasu: conceal one's whereabouts
synonyms: 位置
related words: 場所


pronunciation: shoshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: early autumn, beginning of autumn
初秋に: shoshuuni: early in autumn
antonyms: 晩秋


pronunciation: shoshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: original [initial] intention
初心の: shoshinnno: unexperienced, inexperienced
初心者: shoshinsha: beginner, novice, newcomer <<<
初心忘るべからず: shoshinwasurubekarazu: We should not forget our initial earnest intention <<<
related words: 未熟 , 入門


pronunciation: shoji
kanji characters: ,
translation: possession
所持する: shojisuru: have (in one's possession), possess, own, carry
所持金: shojikin: money in hand [one's pocket] <<<
所持品: shojihin: one's things, one's belongings, one's personal effects <<<
所持者: shojisha: possessor, owner <<<


pronunciation: shojun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: beginning of the month
初旬に: shojunnni: at the beginning of the month
synonyms: 上旬
antonyms: 下旬
related words: 中旬


pronunciation: shojo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sex
translation: virgin (n.), maiden
処女の: shojono: virgin (a.)
処女らしい: shojirashii: maidenly
処女性: shojosei: virginity, virginhood, maidenhood <<<
処女峰: shojohou: virgin peak <<<
処女膜: shojomaku: hymen, maidenhead <<<
処女地: shojochi: maiden land, virgin soil <<<
処女作: shojosaku: maiden work <<<
処女航海: shojokoukai: maiden voyage <<< 航海
処女生殖: shojoseishoku: asexual reproduction <<< 生殖
related words: 乙女 , 童貞


pronunciation: shoseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: books, publications
書籍商: shosekishou: bookseller, bookstore, bookshop <<< , 本屋
書籍収集: shosekishuushuu: bibliomania <<< 収集
書籍収集癖: shosekishuushuuguse <<<
書籍収集狂: shosekishuushuukyou: bibliomaniac <<<


pronunciation: shosen
kanji characters: ,
translation: after all, in the end
synonyms: 結局

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