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Direct access: 本末 , 本命 , 本望 , 本物 , 本屋 , 翻訳 , 本来 , 本流 , 翻弄


pronunciation: honmatsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: begin and end, essential and minor (matter, thing)
本末転倒: honmatsutentou: putting the cart before the horse, mistaking the means for the end
本末転倒する: honmatsutentousuru: put the cart before the horse, mistake the means for the end


pronunciation: honmei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: favorite, prospective winner
antonyms: 穴馬


pronunciation: honmou
kanji characters: ,
translation: long-cherished desire, satisfaction
本望を遂げる: honmouotogeru: attain a long-cherished desire [aim], realized one's wishes <<<
本望を達する: honmouotassuru <<<
related words: 満足


pronunciation: honmono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: real thing, genuine article
本物の: honmonono: real, genuine, authentic, regular, natural
本物そっくりの: honmonosokkurino: lifelike, genuine-looking
本物の絵: honmononoe: authentic [genuine] picture <<<
antonyms: 偽物
related words: 実物


pronunciation: honnya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shop
translation: bookstore, bookshop, bookseller


pronunciation: honnyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: translation, transcription, decoding
翻訳する: honnyakusuru: translate [render] into, translate from, decode, decipher
翻訳違い: honnyakuchigai: mistranslation <<<
翻訳の間違い: honnyakunomachigai <<< 間違
翻訳者: honnyakusha: translator <<< , 訳者
翻訳家: honnyakuka <<<
翻訳権: honnyakuken: right of translation <<<
翻訳書: honnyakusho: a translation, translated literature [book] <<<
翻訳物: honnyakubutsu <<<
翻訳料: honnyakuryou: charge for translation <<<
翻訳料金: honnyakuryoukin <<< 料金
翻訳出来る: honnyakudekiru: translatable <<< 出来
機械翻訳: kikaihonnyaku: machine translation <<< 機械
related words: 通訳


pronunciation: honrai
kanji characters: ,
translation: originally, from the first, essentially, fundamentally, in itself, naturally, by nature
本来の: honraino: original, essential, natural, proper
本来から言えば: honraikaraieba: properly speaking <<<


pronunciation: honryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: main stream
related words: 支流 , 主流


pronunciation: honrou
kanji characters: ,
translation: mockery, derision, shake (n.)
翻弄する: honrousuru: trifle [play] with, make fun of, fool

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