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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27
Direct access: 平等 , 病人 , 屏風 , 病理 , 病歴 , 美容 , 枇杷 , 琵琶 , 便乗 , 便箋


pronunciation: byoudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: equality, evenness
平等な: byoudouna: equal, even (a.), impartial
平等に: byoudouni: equally, impartially
平等にする: byoudounisuru: equalize, even (v.)
平等化: byoudouka: equalization <<<
平等主義: byoudoushugi: egalitarianism <<< 主義
平等院: byoudouin: Byodoin Temple <<<
related words:


pronunciation: byounin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: sick person, invalid, patient
病人を見舞う: byouninnomimau: pay the patient a visit <<< 見舞
病人を看護する: byouninnokangosuru: care a sick person <<< 看護
related words: 患者


pronunciation: byoubu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: folding screen
屏風を立てる: byoubuotateru: set up a screen <<<
屏風の様な: byoubunoyouna: sheer, precipitous <<<
屏風岩: byoubuiwa: huge wall-like rock <<<
金屏風: kinbyoubu: golden folding screen <<<
二枚屏風: nimaibyoubu: double-leaf screen <<< 二枚
南蛮屏風: nanbanbyoubu: folding screen of western picture <<< 南蛮
synonyms: 衝立


pronunciation: byouri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: pathology
病理学: byourigaku <<<
病理の: byourino: pathological
病理解剖: byourikaibou: pathological anatomy <<< 解剖


pronunciation: byoureki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: medical history, case history
病歴口述: byourekikoujutsu: anamnesis


pronunciation: biyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: beauty treatment
美容の: biyouno: cosmetic, aesthetic, beauty (a.)
美容院: biyouin: beauty parlor, beauty salon, aesthetic salon <<<
美容室: biyoushitsu <<<
美容師: biyoushi: beauty artist, hairdresser, aesthetician, beautician <<<
美容食: biyoushoku: diet <<<
美容術: biyoujutsu: beauty culture, aesthetics <<<
美容整形: biyouseikei: aesthetic surgery <<< 整形
美容体操: biyoutaisou: calisthenics <<< 体操
全身美容: zenshinbiyou: integral beauty <<< 全身
related words: 洒落 , 化粧 , エステ


pronunciation: biwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fruit
translation: loquat, Japanese medlar


pronunciation: biwa
keyword: musical instrument , japan
translation: biwa, Japanese lute
琵琶を弾じる: biwaodanjiru: play the biwa <<<
琵琶湖: biwako: Lake Biwa <<<
琵琶法師: biwahoushi: biwa player
related words: 滋賀 ,


pronunciation: binjou
kanji characters: 便 ,
keyword: transport
translation: utilization, abuse
便乗する: binjousuru: go [get] on board, avail oneself off, take advantage of


pronunciation: binsen
kanji characters: 便
keyword: communication
translation: writing paper, notepaper, letter paper, writing pad
related words: 手紙

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