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Direct access: 新入 , 新年 , 信念 , 親王 , 心配 , 審判 , 神秘 , 信憑性 , 新品 , 新聞


pronunciation: shinnnyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: new recruiting
新入の: shinnnyuuno: new recruited, new enrolled
新入生: shinnnyuusei: freshman, new enrolled student <<<
新入社員: shinnnyuushain: new recruit <<< 社員


pronunciation: shinnnen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , fest
translation: new year
新年を迎える: shinnnennomukaeru: greet the new year <<<
新年を祝う: shinnnennoiwau <<<
新年早々: shinnnensousou: at the beginning of the new year <<<
新年宴会: shinnnennenkai: new year's dinner party <<< 宴会
新年御目出度う: shinnnenomedetou: happy new year
謹賀新年: kingashinnnen: I wish you a Happy New Year <<< 謹賀
synonyms: 正月
related words: 元旦 , 元日


pronunciation: shinnnen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: belief, conviction, faith, creed
信念の: shinnnennno: convicted, faithful
信念が堅い: shinnnengakatai: have a strong [firm] faith <<<
堅い信念を抱く: kataishinnnennoidaku
信念を持って: shinnnennomotte: with a strong will <<<


pronunciation: shinnnou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: prince (of imperial family)
related words: 王子


pronunciation: shinpai
kanji characters: ,
translation: fear, concern, apprehension, worry, anxiety, dread, trouble, qualm
心配する: shinpaisuru: be concerned, apprehensive, anxious, have a fear
心配させる: shinpaisaseru: trouble (v.), cause anxiety
心配掛ける: shinpaikakeru <<<
心配するな: shinpaisuruna: Don't worry (about)
心配無い: shinpainai: quiet, safe, secure, trustworthy <<<
心配して: shinpaishite: anxiously, with anxiety, in fear of, fraught
心配そうに: shinpaisouni
心配の種: shinpainotane: source [cause] of anxiety <<<
心配の余り: shinpainoamari: from extreme anxiety, in the excess of anxiety <<<
心配事: shinpaigoto: worries, headaches <<<
心配事が有る: shinpaigotogaaru: have concerns <<<
余計な心配: yokeinashinpai: unnecessary worry [concern] <<< 余計
余計な心配をする: yokeinashinpaiosuru: be unnecessarily worried (about) <<< 余計
synonyms: 懸念 , 憂慮 , 不安 , 心痛


pronunciation: shinpan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: judge, referee
審判する: shinpansuru: judge (v.), act as umpire [referee]
審判を下す: shinpannokudasu: give a judgment <<<
審判員: shinpannin: referee, umpire (person) <<<
審判者: shinpansha <<<
最後の審判: saigonoshinpan: the last judgment <<< 最後
synonyms: アンパイア


pronunciation: shinpi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: mystery, secrecy
神秘的: shinpiteki: mysterious, secret, occult <<<
神秘主義: shinpishugi: mysticism <<< 主義
神秘主義者: shinpishugisha: mystic <<<
神秘家: shinpika <<<
synonyms: 秘密 , ミステリー


pronunciation: shinpyousei
kanji characters: ,
translation: authenticity, credibility
信憑性が有る: shinpyouseigaaru: be authentic, be reliable <<<
信憑性が無い: shinpyouseiganai: be unauthentic, be unreliable <<<


pronunciation: shinpin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: new article
新品の: shinpinnno: brand-new
新品同様: shinpindouyou: like new <<< 同様
antonyms: 中古


pronunciation: shinbun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: newspaper, press, journal
新聞に出る: shinbunnnideru: appear in the paper <<<
新聞に載せる: shinbunnninoseru: carry in the paper <<<
新聞社: shinpunsha: newspaper company <<<
新聞屋: shinbunnya: news vendor <<<
新聞種: shinbundane: news matter [item] <<<
新聞界: shinbunkai: newspaperdom, newspaper world <<<
新聞紙: shinbungami: newsprint <<<
新聞を発行する: shinbunnohakkousuru: publish a newspaper <<< 発行
新聞を編集する: shinbunnohenshuusuru: edit a newspaper <<< 編集
新聞記事: shinpunkiji: report, article <<< 記事
新聞記者: shinpunkisha: reporter, journalist <<< 記者
新聞配達: shinpunhaitatsu: paper round <<< 配達
新聞広告: shinpunkoukoku: newspaper advertisement <<< 広告
新聞切抜: shinbunkirinuki: newspaper clippings [cuttings]
新聞売場: shinbunnuriba: newsstand <<< 売場
週刊新聞: shuukanshinbun: weekly journal <<< 週刊
毎日新聞: mainichishinbun: Mainichi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) <<< 毎日
日経新聞: nikkeishinbun <<< 日経
学校新聞: gakkoushinbun: school paper <<< 学校
悪徳新聞: akutokushinbun: yellow paper, gossip newspaper <<< 悪徳
朝日新聞: asahishinbun: Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) <<< 朝日
地方新聞: chihoushinbun: local newspaper <<< 地方
業界新聞: gyoukaishinbun: trade journal <<< 業界
ローカル新聞: rookarushinbun: local newspaper <<< ローカル

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