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Direct access: 旭日 , 曲線 , 局長 , 極東 , 局面 , 虚言 , 挙式 , 巨匠 , 虚実 , 虚弱


pronunciation: kyokujitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: morning sun, rising sun
旭日章: kyokujitsushou: Order of the Rising Sun <<<
旭日昇天の勢い: kyokujitsushoutennnoikioi: His star is in the ascendant
synonyms: 朝日


pronunciation: kyokusen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: curve, curved line, sweep
曲線の: kyokusennno: curvilinear
曲線を描く: kyokusennoegaku: draw a curved line <<<
曲線美: kyokusenbi: beauty of curved lines <<<
下降曲線: kakoukyokusen: downward curve <<< 下降
水準曲線: suijunkyokusen: contour curve <<< 水準
平面曲線: heimenkyokusen: plane curve <<< 平面
分布曲線: bunpukyokusen: distribution curve <<< 分布
循環曲線: junkankyokusen: recurring curve <<< 循環
上昇曲線: joushoukyokusen: rising curve <<< 上昇
synonyms: カーブ
antonyms: 直線


pronunciation: kyokuchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: director of a bureau, chief of an office, postmaster
郵便局長: yuubinkyokuchou: postmaster <<< 郵便
related words: 部長


pronunciation: kyokutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: asia
translation: Far East
極東の: kyokutouno: Far Eastern
極東問題: kyokutoumondai: Far Eastern problems <<< 問題
極東ロシア: kyokutouroshia: Russian Far East <<< ロシア


pronunciation: kyokumen
kanji characters: ,
translation: aspect [phase] of affairs, situation
局面が一変する: kyokumengaippensuru: take a new turn, enter upon a new phase
局面を打開する: kyokumennodakaisuru: break the deadlock <<< 打開
新局面: shinkyokumen: new conjuncture <<<
synonyms: 段階


pronunciation: kyogen
kanji characters: ,
translation: lie, falsehood
虚言する: kyogensuru: lie (v.)
虚言癖: kyogenguse: habit of lying, mythomania <<<
虚言症: kyogenshou <<<
虚言症患者: kyogenshoukanja: mythomaniac <<< 患者
related words:


pronunciation: kyoshiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fest
translation: ceremony, (wedding) celebration
挙式する: kyoshikisuru: hold a ceremony, give a (wedding) celebration
related words: 儀式


pronunciation: kyoshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: great master, virtuoso
synonyms: マエストロ


pronunciation: kyojitsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: appearance and reality
虚実を確かめる: kyojitsuotashikameru: make sure of [ascertain] the truth <<<


pronunciation: kyojaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: weakness, infirmity
虚弱な: kyojakuna: weak, delicate, sickly
虚弱体質: kyojakutaishitsu: weak constitution

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