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category: to learn in school
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 8
translation: rain, rainfall, shower
雨: ame: rain
雨の中を: amenonakao: in the rain <<<
雨が降る: amegahuru: It rains <<<
雨に成る: ameninaru: It begins to rain <<<
雨に成りそうだ: ameninarisouda: It looks like rain <<<
雨が降りそうだ: amegahurisouda <<<
雨が止む: amegayamu: It stops raining <<<
雨に遭う: ameniau: be caught in a rain <<<
雨に濡れる: ameninureru: get wet in the rain <<<
雨が漏る: amegamoru: water leaks through roof <<<
雨の多い: amenoooi: wet, rainy <<<
雨の少ない: amenosukunai: dry, have little rain <<<
雨降って地固まる: amehuttechikatamaru: After rain comes fair weather upon us
Kanji words: 雨宿り , 小雨 , 雨露 , 梅雨 , 雨氷 , 雨雲 , 風雨 , 時雨 , 降雨 , 雷雨 , 豪雨 , 春雨 , 雨傘 , 雨蛙 , 俄雨 , 通り雨 , 雨具 , 雨戸 , 雨樋
Expressions: 爆弾の雨 , 暴風雨 , 暴風雨の , 雨模様 , 大粒の雨 , 流星雨 , 五月雨

category: to learn in school
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 11
translation: snow
setsu, sechi
雪: yuki
雪が降る: yukigahuru: The snow falls, It snows <<<
雪が積もる: yukigatsumoru: The snow piles up (high) <<<
雪が消える: yukigakieru: The snow melts <<<
雪が解ける: yukigatokeru <<<
雪を掻く: yukiokaku: rake [sweep] away the snow <<<
雪を頂いた: yukioitadaita: covered [crowned] with snow, snowy, snow-capped <<<
雪の様な: yukinoyouna: snowy, snow-white, as white as snow <<<
雪ぐ: susugu: purify, rinse <<< ,
Kanji words: 雪崩 , 雪男 , 雪豹 , 新雪 , 粉雪 , 雪上 , 雪辱 , 雪山 , 小雪 , 雪見 , 雪兎 , 吹雪 , 除雪 , 白雪 , 大雪 , 雪原 , 雪掻き
Expressions: 恥を雪ぐ , 万年雪 , 汚名を雪ぐ , 雪達磨 , 雪合戦 , 雪の結晶 , 暴風雪 , 牡丹雪 , キリマンジャロの雪
synonyms: スノー

category: to learn in school
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 12
translation: cloud
雲: kumo
雲が出る: kumogaderu: The clouds rise [come up, gather], The sky is clouded [overcast] <<<
雲が湧く: kumogawaku <<<
雲が切れる: kumogakireru: The clouds break [lift] <<<
雲が晴れる: kumogahareru <<<
雲の無い: kumononai: cloudless <<<
雲が掛かった: kumogakakatta: clouded <<<
雲に覆われた: kumonioowareta: covered [veiled] by the clouds <<<
雲の峰: kumonomine: column [bank] of clouds <<<
雲を突く様な: kumootsukuyouna: towering, skyscraping, giant, colossal <<< 巨大
雲を掴む様な: kumootsukamuyouna: vague, visionary, fantastic, like a wild-goose chase
Kanji words: 星雲 , 雨雲 , 雲雀 , 瑞雲 , 闇雲
Expressions: 原子雲 , 飛行雲 , 入道雲
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: electricity
Number of strokes: 13
translation: lightning, electricity
den, ten
電: inazuma: lightning <<< 稲妻
Kanji words: 電波 , 電池 , 電柱 , 電卓 , 電圧 , 電線 , 電動 , 電力 , 電報 , 発電 , 電球 , 電車 , 帯電 , 電源 , 電極 , 送電 , 電流 , 家電 , 電化 , 停電 , 放電 , 電撃 , 感電 , 電光 , 電離 , 電子 , 節電 , 電灯 , 配電 , 電解 , 電話 , 充電 , 電気
Expressions: 電磁気 , 電磁気の , 電磁石

category: common usage
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 12
translation: fog, mist
雰: kiri
Kanji words: 雰囲気

category: common usage
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 13
translation: thunder, thunderbolt
雷: kaminari: thunder, thunderbolt, peal [roll] of thunder
雷が鳴る: kaminariganaru: It thunders, Thunder rolls [rumbles] <<<
雷に打たれる: kaminariniutareru: be struck by lightning <<<
雷が落ちる: kaminarigaochiru: The lightning strikes <<<
雷を落とす: kaminariootosu: thunder at (a person) <<<
Kanji words: 魚雷 , 雷鳴 , 落雷 , 機雷 , 雷神 , 雷雨 , 避雷針 , 地雷
related words: 稲妻

category: common usage
other spells: 0
keyword: number
Number of strokes: 13
translation: (fine) rain, fraction (small quantity), zero
零: rei: zero
零ちる: ochiru: drop (vi.), fall, come [go] down <<<
零る: huru: rain (v.) <<<
零り: amari: surplus, fraction <<<
零す: kobosu: spill, shed, drop, grumble (at, about), complain of, murmur (at, about) <<<
Kanji words: 零点 , 零下
Expressions: 愚痴を零す
synonyms: ゼロ

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: get wet, be soaked, wait (bor.), await, seek, look for
ju, shu
需れる: nureru: get [be] wet, be damp, be soaked [drenched] <<<
需つ: matsu: wait, await, expect, look forward to, look to (a person) for, rely on <<<
需める: motomeru: ask [call] for, require [request] (a person to do), demand (a thing from a person), want, look for, search for [after], seek for <<<
Kanji words: 需要 , 特需 , 需給

category: common usage
keyword: disaster
Number of strokes: 15
translation: shake (vt.), tremble, quiver, rock, shiver
震う: huruu: shake (vt.), tremble, quiver
震える: hurueru: shake (vi.), tremble, quiver
震: ikazuchi: thunder (anc.) <<<
震: nai: shake, rock (by an earthquake)
震く: ononoku: tremble, shiver <<<
Kanji words: 震動 , 耐震 , 余震 , 地震 , 震源 , 震災 , 震度
Expressions: 全身を震わす , 武者震いする

category: common usage
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 15
translation: spirit, soul, divinity
rei, ryou
霊: rei: spirit, soul, divinity
霊の: reino: spiritual
霊的: reiteki
霊と肉: reitoniku: the spirit and the flesh, body and soul <<<
霊: tama: spirit, soul <<<
霊: kami: divinity, god <<<
Kanji words: 霊場 , 霊気 , 霊感 , 木霊 , 亡霊 , 精霊 , 霊長 , 英霊 , 霊柩 , 聖霊 , 心霊 , 幽霊

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