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category: to learn in school
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 9
translation: eat, taste, meal, food
shoku, jiki
食う: kuu, kurau: eat, taste, take (a food), feed [live] on, bite, get, receive, be cheated [duped]
食うに困る: kuunikomaru: find it hard to make one's living <<<
食うに困らない: kuunikomaranai: have enough to live on <<<
食えない: kuenai: not good to eat, unable to make one's living, shrewd, sharp, crafty
食い付く: kuitsuku: bite (at), snap (at), take the bait, hold on to <<<
食い止める: kuitomeru: hold in check, stop (v.), check <<<
食い飽きる: kuiakiru: become satiated with (food), be tied of routine diet <<<
食い荒らす: kuiarasu: eat by halves, eat away [untidily], do a bit of evrything <<<
食い合わせる: kuiawaseru: dovetail, fit into each other <<<
食い違う: kuichigau: cross, go wrong with (a person), clash (with) <<<
食い尽くす: kuitsukusu: eat up <<<
食い潰す: kuitsubusu: eat up one's fortune <<<
食い切る: kuikiru: bite [gnaw] off, eat up <<<
食い込む: kuikomu: encroach upon, eat in, leave deficit <<<
食って掛る: kuttekakaru: fall [turn] upon, fly out at, defy <<<
食る: taberu: eat, taste, take (a food), live on, make one's living, chow (us slang)
食べられる: taberareru: edible, good to eat, fit to eat
食べられない: taberarenai: inedible, not good to eat, unfit to eat
食べて見る: tabetemiru: try (food), taste <<<
食べて下さい: tabetekudasai: Bon appétit! Enjoy your meal! <<<
食べたい: tabetai: want [like] to eat
食べたいだけ食べる: tabetaidaketaberu: take a hearty meal, eat one's fill
食: kuimono: meal, food <<< 食い物
食: meshi: meal, food, (boiled) rice <<<
Kanji words: 日食 , 月食 , 外食 , 蚕食 , 主食 , 美食 , 食事 , 食前 , 食後 , 和食 , 洋食 , 草食 , 会食 , 三食 , 食材 , 飲食 , 間食 , 利食 , 定食 , 断食 , 乞食 , 食費 , 給食 , 軽食 , 朝食 , 昼食 , 夕食 , 肉食 , 食卓 , 餌食 , 菜食 , 食物 , 食い物 , 食虫 , 食道 , 食品 , 食糧 , 食料 , 食器 , 食券 , 食堂 , 浸食 , 食欲 , 夜食 , 食い違 , 試食 , 粗食 , 食逃げ
Expressions: 飲まず食わずで , 人を食った , 虫の食った , 草を食う , 草を食む , 割を食う , 気に食わない , 魚を食べる , 糞食らえ , 蚤に食われる , 鳥を食べる , 只で食べる , 摘み食いする , 煽りを食う , 箸で食べる , 禄を食む , 外で食べる , 貪り食う , 機内食 , 美容食 , 野菜食 , 一発食らわす , 拳骨を食らわせる , 拳骨を食らう , 御八を食べる , 乳児食 , 食べ放題 , 食い放題 , 差押を食う , 文筆で食う , 朝飯を食べる , 昼飯を食べる , 食中毒 , 部分食 , 自然食 , 弁当を食べる , 流動食 , 食習慣 , 保存食 , 御飯を食べる , 一杯食わせる , 一杯食わす , 一杯食う , 天然食 , 栄養食 , 食道楽 , 食道楽の , 携帯食 , 饂飩食らい , 玄米食 , 道草を食う , 食養生 , パンチを食う , パンチを食わす , ランチを食べる , 食パン
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 12
translation: meal, food, eat
han, bon
飯: meshi: meal, food, boiled rice
飯の種: meshinotane: means of living <<<
Kanji words: 焼飯 , 赤飯 , 朝飯 , 昼飯 , 御飯
Expressions: 米の飯

category: to learn in school
keyword: drink
Number of strokes: 12
translation: drink, take a drink, swallow, gulp
in, on
飲む: nomu: drink, take, have, use, swallow, gulp down, smoke (a cigar, a cigarette), make nothing of, despise, accept, bear
飲まず食わずで: nomazukuwazude: without food or drink <<<
飲み明かす: nomiakasu: drink the night away, drink all night long <<<
飲み歩く: nomiaruku: drink at one place after another, paint the town red <<<
飲み込む: nomikomu: swallow, gulp down, understand, grasp (the meaning), learn (how to do) <<<
飲み過ぎる: nomisugiru: drink too much, overdrink (oneself) <<<
飲み潰れる: nomitsubureru: get [be] dead drunk, pass out <<<
飲み難い: nominikui: hard to drink, distasteful, nasty (medicine) <<<
飲み干す: nomihosu: drink up [off], drain (a cup), toss [quaff] off <<<
飲み易い: nomiyasui: pleasant to drink, easy to take <<<
飲める: nomeru: be good [fit] to drink, be drinkable
Kanji words: 飲料 , 飲酒 , 飲物 , 飲食 , 水飲 , 飲み屋
Expressions: 乳を飲む , 茶を飲む , 薬を飲む , 薬を飲ませる , 水を飲む , 毒を飲む , 酒を飲む , 酒に飲まれる , 毒薬を飲む , 毒薬を飲ませる , 煙草を飲む , 一気に飲む , 飲み仲間 , 一杯飲ませる , 一杯飲む , スープを飲む , ラッパ飲みをする , ストローで飲む

category: to learn in school
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 13
translation: feed, bring up, keep, raise
shi, ji
飼う: kau: keep (an animal), raise
飼う: yashinau: feed, bring up, nurse, foster <<<
Kanji words: 飼主 , 羊飼 , 飼育 , 鵜飼 , 放飼い , 飼葉
Expressions: 犬を飼う , 牛を飼う , 鶏を飼う , 鳥を飼う , 籠に飼う , 小鳥を飼う , 家畜を飼う

category: to learn in school
keyword: kids
Number of strokes: 15
translation: foster, rear, feed, bring up
養う: yashinau: bring up, foster, rear, feed, support, keep, provide (a person) with board and lodging, cultivate, develop
養い: yashinai: nurture, feeding, nourishment
Kanji words: 養育 , 培養 , 養護 , 養子 , 養女 , 養分 , 扶養 , 養殖 , 養鶏 , 教養 , 休養 , 養成 , 養蜂 , 栄養 , 静養 , 養老 , 療養 , 供養 , 養生
Expressions: 妻子を養う , 家族を養う , 体力を養う

category: to learn in school
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 16
translation: mansion, palace, house, building
館: yakata: mansion, palace
Kanji words: 旅館 , 会館 , 水族館 , 開館 , 館長 , 本館
Expressions: 国技館 , 大使館 , 図書館 , 領事館 , 博物館 , 絵画館 , 体育館 , 白亜館 , 映画館 , 美術館 , 牧師館 , 武道館 , 資料館 , 公使館

category: common usage
keyword: disaster
Number of strokes: 10
translation: hunger, starvation
飢える: ueru: starve, be starving, be [feel, go] hungry, hunger [thirst] (for)
飢えた: ueta: hungry, starved
飢え: ue: hunger, starvation
飢えを凌ぐ: ueoshinogu: keep off hunger, keep the wolf from the door <<<
Kanji words: 飢餓
Expressions: 血に飢えた

category: common usage
keyword: decoration
Number of strokes: 13
translation: decoration, ornament, trimmings, decor
shoku, shiki
飾る: kazaru: ornament (v.), adorn, decorate, dress, deck, garnish, affect, be affected, give oneself airs
飾り: kazari: decoration, ornament (n.), trimmings, decor
飾りの: kazarino: ornamental, decorative
飾りの有る: kazarinoaru <<<
飾りの無い: kazarinonai: unadorned, simple, plain, artless <<<
飾り立てる: kazaritateru: dress up, deck out <<<
Kanji words: 粉飾 , 装飾
Expressions: 雛を飾る , 錦を飾る , 店頭に飾る , 花道を飾る , 船首飾り , 外見を飾る , 外観を飾る , 宝石で飾る , 言葉を飾る , リボンで飾る

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: get tired of, weary, tedious, lose interest in
飽きる: akiru: get tired [sick, weary] of, lose interest in, have enough of
飽かす: akasu: weary (vt.), satiate, bore
飽きさせる: akisaseru
飽くまで: akumade: to the last, to the (bitter) end, to the utmost, to the best of one's power
飽くまでも: akumademo
飽くまでやる: akumadeyaru: do one's best [utmost]
飽くまで戦う: akumadetatakau: fight it out <<<
飽き足らない: akitaranai: be dissatisfied (with), be unsatisfactory, leave much to be desired <<<
飽きっぽい: akippoi: fickle, capricious, get soon tired (of)
Kanji words: 飽和
Expressions: 食い飽きる

category: common usage
keyword: disaster
Number of strokes: 15
translation: starve, hungry, hunger
餓える: ueru: starve, be starving, be [feel, go] hungry, hunger [thirst] (for)
Kanji words: 飢餓 , 餓死 , 餓鬼

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