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category: to learn in school
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 6
translation: sheep, lamb
羊: hitsuji: sheep, Australian dollar (in forex)
羊の毛: hitsujinoke: wool <<<
羊の肉: hitsujinoniku: mutton, lamb <<< , ラム
羊の皮: hitsujinokawa: sheepskin <<<
羊の群れ: hitsujinomure: flock of sheep <<<
Kanji words: 子羊 , 羊飼 , 山羊 , 羊羹 , 羊毛 , 羊水 , 羊歯
Expressions: 雄の羊 , 去勢羊 , クローン羊 , アンゴラ羊 , メリーさんの羊

category: to learn in school
keyword: beauty
Number of strokes: 9
translation: beautiful, pretty, lovely, picturesque, splendid, handsome, good-looking, good, nice, praise
bi, mi
美しい: utsukushii: beautiful, pretty, lovely, picturesque, charming, fine, splendid, handsome, good-looking, noble-minded
美しい話: utsukushiihanashi: beautiful story <<<
美しい心: utsukushiikokoro: pure heart <<<
美しく: utsukushiku: beautifully
美しくする: utsukushikusuru: beautify
美しく成る: utsukushikunaru: beautify oneself, become beautiful [pretty] <<<
美しさ: utsukushisa: beauty
美い: yoi, yoshi: nice, good <<<
美める: homeru: praise <<<
Kanji words: 美学 , 美食 , 褒美 , 美容 , 美談 , 美貌 , 美味 , 優美 , 美男 , 美点 , 美化 , 美術 , 賛美 , 美女 , 美人
Expressions: 肌が美しい , 直線美 , 美意識 , 美少女 , 男性美 , 裸体美 , 音色の美しい , 都市美 , 美少年 , 自然美 , 曲線美 , 天然の美 , 女性美 , 美の典型 , 感覚美
synonyms: 綺麗

category: to learn in school
keyword: mathematics
Number of strokes: 10
translation: difference, unlike, differ
sa, shi
差う: chigau, tagau: be different, be unlike, differ <<<
差す: tsukawasu: send [dispatch] (a person) <<<
差: yaya: a bit, a little
差す: sasu, sashi: nominate (jp.), point out [to] <<<
差し上げる: sashiageru: give (pol.), present (a thing to a person), make a present of (a thing), offer, lift [hold] up (a thing above one's head) <<<
差し当り: sashiatari: for the present, for the time being, at present <<<
差し置く: sashioku: set [put, lay] aside, leave <<<
差し替える: sashikaeru: put (A) in place of (B), replace (B) by (A), substitute (A) for (B) <<<
差し迫る: sashisemaru: approach, be close at hand, press <<<
差し招く: sashimaneku: beckon (a person to come near) <<<
差し止める: sashitomeru: prohibit (a person from doing), place a ban (on), forbid (a person to do), stop (a person's doing), suspend <<<
差し伸べる: sashinoberu: extend (one's arm), hold [stretch] out (one's hand) <<<
差し挟む: sashihasamu: insert, put (a thing) between, harbor (doubts), entertain, cherish <<<
差し控える: sashihikaeru: withhold, reserve, refrain from (doing) <<<
差し出がましい: sashidegamashii: uncalled for, intrusive, forward, impertinent, meddlesome, officious <<<
差し引く: sashihiku, sashibiku: subtract, take off [deduct] (from) <<<
差し掛る: sashikakaru: come (near) to, approach,, hang over, be suspended above <<<
差し込む: sashikomu: insert, push [put] in, shine [stream, pour] in, have (a fit of) gripes, have a spasm (of pain) <<<
差し戻す: sashimodosu: send [refer] (the case) back to the lower instance <<<
差し向ける: sashimukeru: send (round), dispatch <<<
差し障る: sashisawaru: obstruct, hinder <<<
差し支える: sashitsukaeru: be hindered (from doing), be engaged, stand in need of <<<
差し支えない: sashitsukaenai: may, can, be allowed (to do), do not mind, be free <<<
Kanji words: 段差 , 差別 , 点差 , 人差指 , 日差 , 格差 , 交差 , 差押 , 差金 , 差出 , 差足 , 物差 , 水差 , 時差 , 誤差
Expressions: 刀を差す , 傘を差す , 影が差す , 潮が差す , 油を差す , 魔が差す , 腰に差す , 地域差 , 干満の差 , 煙管差し , 価格差 , 嫌気が差す , 個人差

category: to learn in school
keyword: clothes , travel
Number of strokes: 12
translation: put on, wear, attach (bor.), join, stick
chaku, jaku
着: chaku: unit to count clothes (jp.)
着る: kiru: wear (vt.), put on, have on, be dressed in, be charges with, take (a guilt) on oneself, take the blame (for)
着せる: kiseru: dress (vt.), clothe, cover, charge [put, throw] (a crime on a person)
着く: tsuku: stick [adhere] to, be connected with, be stained [smeared] with, belong to, be attached to, arrive (jp.), reach, get to
着ける: tsukeru: attach [affix, fix] (a thing to), fasten (a thing to), stick (a thing) to [on, together], put (a thing) on, apply (a thing to), put down, enter in (a book), put on, wear, add, append <<<
Kanji words: 下着 , 固着 , 到着 , 付着 , 肌着 , 悶着 , 着衣 , 着丈 , 愛着 , 試着 , 癒着 , 水着 , 上着 , 落着 , 着付 , 着物 , 着替 , 巾着 , 粘着 , 着色 , 着工 , 発着 , 着陸 , 接着 , 執着 , 着目 , 着火 , 着信 , 新着 , 古着 , 胴着 , 先着 , 着地 , 定着 , 決着 , 膠着 , 着実
Expressions: 底に着く , 住み着く , 服を着る , 恩に着せる , 恩に着る , 流れ着く , 巣に着く , 船が着く , 床に着く , 辿り着く , 抱き着く , 納まりが着く , 納まりが着かない , 膳に着く , 鎧を着ける , 鎧を着けた , 落ち着く , 落ち着いた , 落ち着いて , 落ち着ける , 席に着く , 手を着ける , 身に着ける , 普段着 , 座席に着く , 喪服を着た , 外出着 , 素肌に着る , 襤褸を着た , 上着を着る , 着物を着る , 着物を着た , 海水着 , 野良着 , 甲冑を着ける , 甲冑を着けている , 家庭着 , 仮面を着ける , 無事に着く , 濡衣を着せる , 結末が着く , 結末を着ける , 仕事着 , 和服を着た , 水泳着 , 稽古着 , 食卓に着く , 割烹着 , 訪問着 , 体操着 , 練習着 , 女性着 , 柔道着 , 悪戯着 , 化粧着 , 制服を着て , 部屋着 , バッジを着ける , ネクタイを着ける , コルセットを着ける , シャツを着る , テーブルに着く , スノータイヤを着ける , スポーツ着 , ゲートルを着ける

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 12
translation: charitable, good, nice, fine, humane, fair, just, right
善: zen: good (n.), goodness, right, virtue
善を成す: zennonasu: do good, practice virtue <<<
善は急げ: zenwaisoge: Do not hesitate in doing [carrying out] what is good <<<
善い: yoi: charitable, good, nice, fine, humane <<<
善くも: yokumo: it is a wonder that
善かれ悪しかれ: yokareashikare: right or wrong, good or bad, for better or worse <<<
Kanji words: 偽善 , 善処 , 改善 , 善意 , 善悪 , 親善
Expressions: 絶対善

category: to learn in school
keyword: philosophy
Number of strokes: 13
translation: justice, righteousness, faithfulness, duty, honor, humanity
義に厚い: giniatsui: be faithful <<<
義い: yoi: just, righteous, faithful
Kanji words: 講義 , 定義 , 名義 , 不義 , 義理 , 義兄 , 義弟 , 義務 , 正義 , 同義 , 忠義 , 主義 , 仁義 , 大義
Expressions: 第一義

category: to learn in school
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 13
translation: group, throng, crowd
群れ: mure: group (n.), throng, crowd, multitude, party, mob, gang, herd, flock, pack, drove, bevy, swarm, cloud, shoal, school
群れを成す: mureonasu: make [form] groups <<<
群れを成して: mureonashite: in crowds [flocks, swarms] <<<
群れる: mureru: group (v.), throng, crowd
群がる: muragaru
Kanji words: 群島 , 群集 , 群青 , 群馬 , 群衆
Expressions: 羊の群れ , 牛の群れ , 蜂の群 , 山賊の群れ , 症状群 , 症候群 , 家畜の群れ , 流星群 , 盗賊の群れ

category: to learn in school
keyword: kids
Number of strokes: 15
translation: foster, rear, feed, bring up
養う: yashinau: bring up, foster, rear, feed, support, keep, provide (a person) with board and lodging, cultivate, develop
養い: yashinai: nurture, feeding, nourishment
Kanji words: 養育 , 培養 , 養護 , 養子 , 養女 , 養分 , 扶養 , 養殖 , 養鶏 , 教養 , 休養 , 養成 , 養蜂 , 栄養 , 静養 , 養老 , 療養 , 供養 , 養生
Expressions: 妻子を養う , 家族を養う , 体力を養う

category: common usage
keyword: color
Number of strokes: 17
translation: fresh fish (org.), bright, clear, brilliant, splendid, dexterous, skillful, fresh
鮮やかな: azayakana: bright, clear, brilliant, splendid, dexterous, skillful, vivid
鮮やかに: azayakani: clearly, distinctly, splendidly, dexterously, skillfully
鮮やかさ: azayakasa: brightness, clearness, clarity, vividness, sharpness, ability, skill, mastery
鮮い: yoi: good, nice <<<
鮮ない: sukunai: rare, exceptional
Kanji words: 鮮明 , 朝鮮 , 新鮮

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 13
translation: envy, surplus (pho.)
sen, zen, en
羨む: urayamu: envy (a person), be envious of, feel envy (at)
羨ましい: urayamashii: enviable
羨ましそうに: urayamashisouni: enviously, with envy
羨ましがらせる: urayamashigaraseru: make (a person) envious, excite envy (in others)
羨り: amari: rest (n.), remainder, surplus, scraps <<<
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