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category: to learn in school
other spells: 廣
keyword: advertisement , geography
Number of strokes: 5
translation: wide, vast, spread, extend
広い: hiroi: wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy
広し: hiroshi
広く: hiroku: widely, broadly, far and wide, extensively
広くする: hirokusuru: widen (vt.), broaden, enlarge
広く成る: hirokunaru: broaden (vi.), widen, become wider <<<
広さ: hirosa: width, breadth <<< 面積
広まる: hiromaru: spread (vi.), diffuse, circulate, be widespread [circulated, diffused, propagated], get [take] wind
広める: hiromeru: spread (vt.), diffuse, make known, propagate, make popular, advertise, announce
広げる: hirogeru: spread (vt.), extend, expand, enlarge, widen, open, unfold, unfurl
広がる: hirogaru: spread (vi.), extend, expand, become pervasive
広がり: hirogari: extension, expanse, stretch (of)
Kanji words: 広大 , 広角 , 広場 , 広告 , 広報 , 広葉 , 広島 , 広軌
Expressions: 売り広める , 羽を広げる , 枝が広がる , 輪を広げる , 燃え広がる , 傘を広げる , 幅の広い , 幅を広げる , 繰り広げる , 鍔の広い , 股を広げる , 顔が広い , 手広い , 心の広い , 視野が広い , 知識を広める , 範囲が広い , 広範囲 , 広い胸囲 , 肩幅が広い , 応用の広い , 両手を広げる , 交際が広い , 大手を広げて , 広い意味で , 肩身が広い , 度量の広い , ゴシップを広める

category: to learn in school
keyword: advertisement
Number of strokes: 8
translation: spread, extend, expand, enlarge, widen, unfold, diffuse, propagate
拡がる: hirogaru: spread (vi.), extend, expand
拡まる: hiromaru: spread (vi.), diffuse, circulate, be widespread [circulated, diffused, propagated], get [take] wind
拡げる: hirogeru: spread (vt.), extend, expand, enlarge, widen, open, unfold
拡める: hiromeru: spread (vt.), diffuse, make known, propagate, make popular, advertise, announce
Kanji words: 拡充 , 拡大 , 拡散 , 拡張

category: to learn in school
keyword: advertisement
Number of strokes: 12
translation: disperse, scatter, diffuse
散る: chiru: disperse (vi.), scatter, diffuse
散らばる: chirabaru: be scattered [dispersed] (about), scatter, disperse, be in disorder
散らす: chirasu: disperse (vt.), scatter, spread (a rumor, jp.)
散らかす: chirakasu: scatter about, litter, disarrange, put (a place) in disorder [out of order]
散らかる: chirakaru: be in disorder, be out of order, be scattered about
散らし: chirashi: flier (jp.), flyer, handbill, leaflet
散らしを配る: chirashiokubaru: distribute circulars <<<
Kanji words: 散乱 , 散布 , 解散 , 拡散 , 散髪 , 散会 , 散歩 , 散策 , 胡散
Expressions: 気が散る , 喋り散らす , 撒き散らす , 取り散らす , 吹き散らす , 追い散らす , 当り散らす , 飛び散る , 火花が散る , 一目散に

category: common usage
keyword: advertisement
Number of strokes: 11
translation: hoist
掲げる: kakageru
Kanji words: 掲示 , 掲載
Expressions: 全文を掲げる , 白旗を掲げる

category: common usage
keyword: advertisement
Number of strokes: 13
translation: advise, encourage, stimulate, spur
勧める: susumeru
Kanji words: 勧告 , 勧誘
Expressions: 椅子を勧める

category: JIS1
keyword: advertisement
Number of strokes: 12
translation: stick, put, paste, affix
貼ける: tsukeru: stick, put, paste, affix <<<
貼る: haru: stick, paste, apply (a plaster to a wound), paper (v.) <<<
Expressions: 糊で貼る , 台紙に貼る , 切手を貼る , 印紙を貼る , 壁紙を貼る , ビラを貼る , ビラ貼り , ラベルを貼る
related words: ペースト

category: JIS2
keyword: advertisement
Number of strokes: 17
translation: official notice [letter], manifesto, declaration, appeal
geki, keki
檄: hurebumi: official notice [declaration]
檄を飛ばす: gekiotobasu: issue a manifesto, appeal (to) <<<

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