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pronunciation: oubei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: america , europe
translation: Western (countries), Westerners
欧米の: oubeino: Western
欧米人: oubeijin: Westerner <<<
欧米諸国: oubeishokoku: Western countries


pronunciation: gasshuukoku
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: america
translation: United States (of America), USA
メキシコ合衆国: mekishikogasshuukoku: United Mexican States <<< メキシコ
アメリカ合衆国: amerikagasshuukoku: United States of America <<< アメリカ
related words: 米国 , アメリカ


pronunciation: nanbei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: america
translation: South America
南米の: nanbeino: South American
related words: 北米


pronunciation: hokubei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: america
translation: North America
北米の: hokubeino: North American
related words: 南米

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